Clean Eating


12 Nov 2013
Local time
4:08 AM
So I am trying to improve my diet and nutrition. It's not the best right now and I want to improve my body as well as my diet. I have heard a lot about clean eating and it sounds fantastic. So I thought I would post a thread about this and then if anyone else knows about clean eating or is interested. You can join in here:)

I have found a couple great links that I think you should check out if you are interested because they explain it better than I ever could:
1. Skinny Mom
2. Funeral for my fat

I also found this great chart which explains and shows the basics of eating clean:

So if you know more about this or are interested, come and say hello. As I want this to be somewhere we can share meal plans and recipes. I am on a very tight budget too so will be trying to find cheaper meals.

I'm not sure if I have posted this thread in the right category because I am new here. But please tell me if I have and I will move it or delete it.
I think your post fits well under this category and these are certainly great links and advice.

I never put too much attention in the nutrition part of cooking, but after being hanging out around and reading everyone's contributions, I thing that is not too late to start learning how to make more nutritious dishes as well.
I love the thought of clean eating don't you? and I think I may try and keep everyone up to date with what I've ate today on this forum. As I think this will push me to eat better if I have to tell all you what I have ate :P I may start doing this from next week onwards. I will have to come up with cheap recipes and plan ahead which will be very good for me.

I think there should be a section for that in this forum. The food diary section! And each diary thread can have up to 3 or 4 people who keep each other accountable.
It sounds good but lets be honest, yes there are tight budgets and in most families both adults work full time so cooking can sometimes resort to quick and easy, doesn't mean processed food just easy to prepare. Also allergies have to be taken into consideration also limiting dairy can be bad too as calcium is important. Also not everyone has access to a decent supermarket/local store for fresh fruit and veg. I am in favour of eating better and improving health and wellbeing I just feel that you should do what is right for you and not what others say you should.
I dislike any diet that tries to restrict food groups. But I do agree with avoiding processed and refined items, since they're just "lesser" versions of whole foods.

Linking alcohol into the same category as fast food seems more likely to me moralistic than real nutritional advice, though.
Well, all food groups need some sort of self-restrictions as too much of anything can be bad for you.

I do kind of see what you mean about the alcohol but don't shoot the messenger, I'm just trying to improve my nutrition. Personally, I don't drink alcohol as I think it is detrimental to your health and well-being. I have seen the effects of alcohol and I want to keep my mind fresh so will be avoiding it 99.99% of the time. The only time I do have a drink is New Years Eve.

I think this looks great and I just wanted to share this information with people who would maybe be interested in trying it too. It's not a diet. It's just about eating healthier and working out. Basics of nutrition really.
I think we all need to spend a little time looking at the labels on packets, tins, bottles etc... my colleague lets her 7 year old son drink a lot of orange juice, the dentist pointed out that there was a lot of sugar in cartons, she said to me 'you don't think do you' well yes actually, have you drank orange juice? have you noticed it is sweeter than a fresh orange.... I know we all have busy lives working/family but we need to start taking responsibility for what we put in our mouths, packaging advise helps but a lot is common sense, if it is packaged and has a long shelf life then it is most likely high in fat/salt to preserve it.
Fair enough, there have been plenty of studies linking moderate wine drinking with a host of health benefits. And I'm of the opinion that altering one's mind, either through external methods like drink, or internal ones like meditation, exercise, or sexual activity, are beneficial as well.

But certainly, all things in moderation. Even water can kill you in excess XD
Linking alcohol into the same category as fast food seems more likely to me moralistic than real nutritional advice, though.

I noticed this too. I have to be honest, I feel like a lot of health habits become fads with a simple label that "goes viral."

"Clean eating" to me is cute title, but it is something I've been doing all my life without thinking about it. Personally, I find that fresh food actually tastes the best, and because I've been in the habit of shopping and cooking this way, to me it is cheap and easy. So I always think it is funny that this concept is suddenly being marketed as "new" and "revolutionary."

At any rate, to the OP, you will do best to lose weight and get healthy by making a lifestyle change, over adopting the "clean eating" as a fad for a little while and then going back to what you used to do. Healthy eating has to be a habit. Portion control is huge too.
My friend recently told me about a book by Tim Ferriss. The author talks a lot about "clean eating" so thanks for the chart. I ordered the book online, but it hasn't yet arrived. I try to eat health. I read food labels too, but I know that I could do better by eating cleaner.

I think that alcohol and fast foods should be lumped together. Granted I don't drink, but alcohol has empty calories. They don't provide any nutritional value. They have been studies that linked a limited amount wine with good health,but if you don't drink it's wise not to start.
Personally I don't like this idea of clean eating. Though I have no put much research into the matter the picture says enough. It would certainly make cooking harder, limit food choices and quite frankly if you believe the "nutrition experts" then anything will kill you almost instantly. People are way too concerned about nutrition and that is because a lot of people eat the majority of their meals at a fast food place and then these "experts" take those people as examples.

If you cook at home (for the majority of the time) and have a normal diet then you have NOTHING to worry about. Sure if you feel better with all these million different diets then go ahead but your body does not require them. (how do you think people survived for the couple of thousand years before these diets were invented?)
Personally I don't like this idea of clean eating. Though I have no put much research into the matter the picture says enough. It would certainly make cooking harder, limit food choices and quite frankly if you believe the "nutrition experts" then anything will kill you almost instantly. People are way too concerned about nutrition and that is because a lot of people eat the majority of their meals at a fast food place and then these "experts" take those people as examples.

If you cook at home (for the majority of the time) and have a normal diet then you have NOTHING to worry about. Sure if you feel better with all these million different diets then go ahead but your body does not require them. (how do you think people survived for the couple of thousand years before these diets were invented?)

Absolutely, instead of using the word diet, try lifestyle change. Diets only work for a short while and yes you may loose weight but it goes straight back on again when you go back to your normal way of eating.
The word diet has become closely associated with weight loss. But diet also just means the food or the type of food that a person normally eats.
Specifically, clean eating is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle choice. When someone make a choice to eat "clean" they are choosing to eliminate all processed foods and extra additives from their diet. The basics of eating clean includes eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Include meats, however, whole meats that you have chosen straight from the butcher or prepared yourself.

Apart from all the benefits offered by this I don't feel like paying any interest towards these methods. This is because I am basically a food lover and I just can't sacrifice all my favorite food habits for the sake of being healthy. It doesn't mean I don't bother being healthy, but I better choose an alternative way for it than to just give away my food habits.
Specifically, clean eating is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle choice. When someone make a choice to eat "clean" they are choosing to eliminate all processed foods and extra additives from their diet. The basics of eating clean includes eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Include meats, however, whole meats that you have chosen straight from the butcher or prepared yourself.

Apart from all the benefits offered by this I don't feel like paying any interest towards these methods. This is because I am basically a food lover and I just can't sacrifice all my favorite food habits for the sake of being healthy. It doesn't mean I don't bother being healthy, but I better choose an alternative way for it than to just give away my food habits.

Eat what you like just in moderation and take exercise, I know that doesn't work for everyone but I could not give up anything that I enjoy, restricting yourself can take away the pleasure. If you have to be careful, ie: diabetics etc.. then fair enough but relax, enjoy life, just be sensible.
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