

27 Apr 2014
Local time
8:24 PM
Between a frying pan and a fire
I was born in the tropics, so I would think that some genetic memory would move me to recognize this as the fruit of life or something. Instead, coconut was... an acquired taste, to put it kindly. As a child, I was just very sensitive to the sickliness or bitterness of the flavor, and there would be this aerated sort of aftertaste that I just didn't like...

It still has those, but somehow I can now appreciate coconut in all aspects of its flavor. Coconut juice makes an excellent base for a sorbet or just a summer drink, and coconut milk (which is the fruit flesh blended with water, different from the naturally-occurring juice) adds body to cakes and shakes with less acidity than dairy milk. The flesh of the fruit can be well-textured, crunchy or gummy.

Many of those who follow the Paleo diet have made coconut a staple.

While the fruit is usually the product of the female parts of a tree, there is also a rare genderqueer variety in coconut crops that produces a remarkably soft and flavor-intense coconut fruit, that where I live is known as macapuno. (I don't know what it's called anywhere else.) The flavor is also supposed to be nuttier.
I like both the juice and the fleshy part of the coconut. I know that the juice is beneficial to health and the flesh is nutritious. I like that it is naturally sweet and can be used with other fruits and in rice dishes, breads, cakes and confectionary.
The coconut water is excellent for you especially if you live in a hot or tropical climate. I can't stand the taste of it though so I mix in with a smoothie. I like fresh coconut but I am not too crazy about anything that comes out of a bag or can.
I don't know if it's because i've got so many coconut trees at home why i like coconut water so much but i literally don't mind having it everyday as it's just so refreshing to my soul...i especially like to tip a little rum in it at times.
Coconut water is very good. We also have nata de coco from coconut. It is a very good ingredient for salads. Coconut also can be used as a refreshment. It contains ions to energize the body. We actually have varieties of tall and dwarf coconuts in our house.
Fresh coconuts seem to be in abundance in uk super markets at the present,I enrich a rice pudding with the milk and fill a pancake with the pice pudding,shave the nut with a peeler over the top and serve with diced mago
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