Coffee Conundrum


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
1:12 PM
  1. How many years does it take for a coffee tree to reach maturity?
  2. Brazil is the World's biggest coffee producer but which country comes second?
  3. Which TWO varieties are the most widely grown coffee beans?
  4. In which city did the first coffee house in Europe open in 1683?
  5. Which company introduced instant coffee in 1938?
  6. Which North European country has the greatest per capita coffee consumption in the World?
  7. Which French philosopher allegedly drank more than 50 cups of coffee a day?
  8. In which African country was coffee thought to have originated?
  9. Who in 1732 composed the "Coffee Cantata"?
  10. By what name are coffee houses known in Japan?
  11. What is Satori Kato credited with inventing in 1901?
  12. Which King of England banned coffee houses in 1675?
  13. What is a BARISTA?
  14. In which city was the first "Starbucks" opened in 1971?
  15. What is the stimulant present in coffee?
  16. Which all-girl group had a UK number 1 in 2000 with "Black Coffee"?
  17. From what does the term CAPPUCCINO originate?
  18. What was established in Edward Lloyd's coffee house in London around 1688?
  19. After what is the coffee house "Starbucks" named?
  20. By what name is the small cup used to serve espresso known?
The most correct in the fewest answers. So 15 out of 18 answered will beat 15 out of 20 answered.
You want to change an answer, edit your origional post, rather than reposting.
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