Coffee: Ground or whole bean?


16 Nov 2014
Local time
2:00 PM
Washington, USA
When you buy coffee do you buy ground bags or whole bean? There really is no price difference at the store so I tend to buy a little of both. I think whole bean tastes better if you can grind it in batches at home, but preground is more convenient when you are sleepy in the morning.
At work we grind beans as required and yes you can taste the difference ,the beans have been selected for us by the coffee supplier after tasting,far better than the pre ground coffee that pour and serve machines use
I don't drink much coffee and what I do drink has to be right
At work we grind beans as required and yes you can taste the difference ,the beans have been selected for us by the coffee supplier after tasting,far better than the pre ground coffee that pour and serve machines use
I don't drink much coffee and what I do drink has to be right

I think you really can taste the difference, especially when freshly ground. But oddly enough (here's a challenge @Berties! ) Lidl's sell an instant coffee which is pure Arabica, dead cheap and beats Nescafe hands down. In fact, I'd go as far as to say its the best instant coffee I've ever had. Of course not as good as freshly ground beans, though.
I am the only one who drinks coffee here in our house and I don't drink regularly. But when we go on vacation with relatives, I bring the instant coffee in sachets because we are not sure if the accommodation in the vacation place has a coffee maker. Like this past weekend, we were in a beach resort for 3 days and 2 nights and the only coffee I brought along was the instant. My nephew is looking for the brewed coffee so I pointed to the pantry... there was no coffee maker.
I usually buy whole bean coffee and ground it at night so when morning comes I just need to add hot water in my french press and I'm all good. Whole bean coffee certifies you that what you're buying is the legit thing. I'm always scared that some companies add some preserves or chemicals in my ground coffee so I don't buy those.
I buy the ground bags. I don't think I have ever bought coffee bean and ground them myself. We don't drink a lot of coffee in our house.
We make a small pot in the morning and that is it. It is always nice to wake up to a hot cup of coffee. When were are camping I just buy
the instant coffee. I am not a fan of instant coffee but it is good in a pinch when there in nothing else.
Depends on your standards, when you become a coffee snob you get the huge difference from pre-ground coffee and coffee beans you grind right before you brew, and many simple machines come with grinders, even though they are not the best they can do it well and is better than drinking from Nespressos.
We just have pre-ground, but I'd love to get into grinding my own beans. It's one of those things though that with a 1 year old, the last thing on my mind is adding another step into my morning routine right now! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Actually I am not a lover of drinking coffee but my husband is the one who is drinking coffee 2 cups a day. We are not buying ground bags or whole bean coffee and because my husband is the only one who is drinking coffee we are just buying the instant coffee with sugar and cream already. In fact we are buying different brands of this kind of coffee with different flavors like cappuccino, vanilla and mocha coffee. We had stocks of this coffee flavors and my husband drinks it alternately.
OH my ReadmeBYAmy, most true coffee drinkers would consider instant coffee to be a sacrilege..! I think instant coffee should be regulated to emergencies and camping trips..:laugh::p:. I myself have to have regular. I truly don't notice a real taste difference between whole bean and ground coffee. Once it is prepared it all tastes and smells like coffee to me.
We just have pre-ground, but I'd love to get into grinding my own beans. It's one of those things though that with a 1 year old, the last thing on my mind is adding another step into my morning routine right now! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
The hard thing is to get to buy a good grinder, some cost like the same as a coffee machine even though they are really important.
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