Coffee, The Good, The Bad, The Bitter


22 Oct 2014
Local time
8:49 PM
Do you have a favorite coffee?

I know quite a few people who are pretty particular about their coffee, it seems to be a cultural thing were I live, coffee can be a huge big deal.

I personally am not that picky, but it has to be organic. I have heard that conventional coffee is one of the "dirtiest" foods we have, so I need to stay away from it for a number of health reasons. Among organic coffees, I have found much higher quality beans in general. Very few have been bitter in my opinion.

The funny thing is, bulk organic coffee from roasters like Buckmasters and a few small, independent ones seem to taste so much better than Starbucks, Peets, Seattle's Best ect. Not to mention being less expensive.
I prefer to drink espresso, generally I find Italian coffee much better than anything else. I go by the look and smell of the coffee first, but as espresso is short, you can tell whether it's good or bad straight away. Lavazza is a favorite of mine and I choose it whenever I can.
I have never seen Lavazza, where do you find it. I don't have an espresso maker, so I only get espresso drinks at coffee shops, but they are so expensive. I actually make my coffee by putting the grounds in a sauce pan with water, bring to a boil and remove from heat, pour through a strainer 5 minutes later. I get a lot more flavor that way.
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