Coke or Pepsi?


25 Nov 2013
Local time
4:38 AM
Hi guys!
So I have always been a huge Coke fan (Diet Coke, more specifically), and I'll get really mad when there's only Pepsi to drink. Often if I go to a restaurant and there is only Pepsi I will end up having only water!
Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?
Definitely Coke. I don't drink soda often.. maybe once or twice a month if even that but Pepsi is way too sweet for my taste.
Coke for me. Though I very rarely drink either, can't even remember the last time I would have bought a bottle for home and when going out I usually stick to either beer or water.
Split vote in my household. My husband is a huge Coke fan. I however am a huge diet Pepsi fan. I tend to buy more Coke though because he drinks more soda than I do.
Hands down I am a Pepsi fan. I think I like it much more because it is sweeter than coke. Coke just tastes like metal to me. I always try to give it a chance, but I don't like it as much as I like Pepsi.
Definitely Pepsi. Coke leaves such a nasty acidic taste in my mouth. I was so pissed when my university signed an exclusive contract with Coke over the summer, so I came back to find not a single Pepsi beverage anywhere on campus.

The only little thing I like about Coke products is the Coke Rewards points. Managed to get 60 coupons for free 12 packs of soda this past December. Still have around 38 left.
I honestly cannot tell the difference between the two, and feel like it was more of a fabricated rivalry to spur sales of both brands. The only time I can tell when a cola isn't one of those two is when it's some dollar store variety or some other off brand - and even those have gotten much better over the past 15 years.

When I first moved out and was tight on cash, I would compromise and buy the store brand of soda at Dollar General - I think it was called "Clover Leaf" brand or something like that. I could definitely taste the difference, but it was much cheaper paying $2 for a case of soda, vs. $4+.

I pretty much quit drinking sodas all together lately, and stick to making my own iced tea. It's much cheaper, much healthier, and I don't have to lug bottles and cases of pop home.
PepsiMax for me, and I can definitely taste the difference. Coke just seems a bit "metalic" to my palette. :thumbsup:
<pedant alert>
palette - what a painter uses to put paint onto while painting
pallet - a wooden (usually) object to stack packages onto for transportation purposes
palate - the area in your mouth where you find flavours i.e. taste
<here endeth the lesson>

palette - where I stand my can of Pepsi Max ... whilst painting ... :roflmao:
I would definitely have to choose Coke over Pepsi. The taste is quite different and I guess I just grew up with Coke products instead of Pepsi.
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