Colonoscopy; Who has had one done?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
7:07 AM
Brighton, MA.
This might be a very delicate subject to talk about, but have any one of you had this done?
It concerns your health a great deal, and if you don't have it done, then you run the risk of getting colon cancer!!

It is a simple procedure, and screening can help find pre-cancerous polyps BEFORE they actually turn into cancer. From about age 45 & up, it must be done. I had it done 3 times in my life. The last two times, polyps were found.

But since I'm on cumidin, I have to stop 4 days ahead of the procedure and take an injection replacement medicine, which is ridiculously expensive! The most painful part of the whole thing, if you want to call it that, is that you must take 3 bottles of the Citrate of Magneisia, a form of laxative - the lemon flavor, starting with the evening before, which is so atrociously horrible & bitter!!

But you'll feel a whole lot better when the doc tells you that there are no polyps, or if you had any & they were all removed! He told me that they were all benine. I have to go back in 3 years to have it done again.

So if you haven't had it done yet, and you are age 50 or over, please go have it done! It could help save your life! Stop colon cancer from forming in any way that you can!!:ohmy: :stop:
I had a case of ulcerative colitis and had regular checks , for a couple years using the same device , was never happy about it
In the UK people over 60 get the chance of swabing a sample and posting it , my parents do this , keeps a eye on bowel cancer
Eery one should have one if they have not already. My daughter had been feeling ill for awhile with stomach issues, losing weight and not really being able to eat. She had a colonscopy and cancer was found last year our lives changed and not for the better. She is still in recovery and will be for the rest of her life, she is 45 with two teenage children. The doctors in my opinion did not pay attention to her symptons and should have caught this sooner, she was ill with symptons for some time.
I once had a stomach ulcer, and the only way to ease the pain was to eat something or take a laxative for it. The acidic digestive juices had aggravated it something fierce!
Had a few endoscopies and was given some medicine, and eventually, it went away and never came back. :wink:
Apparently the procedure itself is quick and relatively painless. It's the stuff you have to drink the night before that's the hard part. My word, that stuff tastes foul and it has quite the effect on your system.
Apparently the procedure itself is quick and relatively painless. It's the stuff you have to drink the night before that's the hard part. My word, that stuff tastes foul and it has quite the effect on your system.

That is the worst & most difficult part of the whole thing!!
Citrate of Magnesia. Or similar stuff like it. It is so horrible tasting & exasperatingly bitter & acidic!!
The nastiest tasting stuff that you'd ever want to try!! :yuck: :sick: :headshake: :stop:
magnessium citrate.jpg

And here it is!! Nasty!!
I truly wish that they would make this stuff more user-friendly & better tasting!!! It wouldn't hurt!
They always have me take 3 bottles of this junk!!:headshake:
Ours is a little different, it comes in sachet form which needs to be mixed with 2 litres of water. You have to drink the lot over the course of a couple of hours, which just adds to the torture. Why they can't just make it tropical fruit flavoured is beyond me!
Ours is a little different, it comes in sachet form which needs to be mixed with 2 litres of water. You have to drink the lot over the course of a couple of hours, which just adds to the torture. Why they can't just make it tropical fruit flavoured is beyond me!

That is what I was saying about the stuff above that I posted a pic of!!!
They really need to make all this stuff better tasting! It is so ridiculous how, after all these years, that all this stuff still tastes so bloody horrible!!! :headshake::stop:
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