Cooking goals for 2016


14 Apr 2015
Local time
12:51 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
I know many people make new years resolutions in a range of categories - does anyone have any food/cooking related goals?

For me, I just want to try more new recipes in our dinner routine. Sometimes I find it easy to get stuck in a rut and I'll end up cooking the same group of meals over and over again - boring, right?! I want to make sure that I'm challenging myself and trying at least one new dinner recipe each fortnight.

What about you?
My cooking goals are quite simple really. At least on paper. I have to train myself to be less generous with the oil when it comes to cooking with it and train my husband to serve less of the calorific food and more of the veg. He's very good at cutting back on the stuff he doesn't like as much but not on cutting back on calories and I have a ' blind spot ' so to speak when it comes to leaving food on a plate, I can't.
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That is an interesting question. I am going to go on the 20/20 weight loss program so I will be buying and utilizing the foods incorporated in that plan. Check with me later to see how I am doing. It isn't a diet so much as a lifestyle. I think I can do it, as long as I can have some break days here and there..Have to have an occasional cheat day....but they will be planned in advance.
My cooking goal this year is to start preparing a lot more healthier meals with lots of veggies. I want to lose quite a bit of weight because my stepson is getting married in November so I would like to feel confident and look good for the wedding. I also want to try a lot more BBQ meals while camping in the summer season.
I have not made any cooking goals for the new year yet, but I think it is a good idea to do so. I will have to sit down and think up some new stuff, or maybe look online to see if I can find some new recipes to try. It is always good to change the routine way of cooking every once in a while and a good time to start is at the dawning of a new year.
I'm not really the cook in the house but sometimes I handle the kitchen with a planned meal. And since I am in charge of marketing, it is obvious that I am the one to decide on what dish to be cooked. However, I only go to the market on weekends when I don't have office work for weekdays I leave early for work and no more time for the house chores. For this new year, I am doing a small research on new recipes for fish because I have noticed that we lacked fish dishes and are dependent mostly on meat.
I don't normally make new year resolutions, but we are definitely going to try to have a bit more variety in our menus too. The past 18 months have been really busy so for the most part we have kept going back to the old favourites and I'm getting bored of that. I have a stack of cookbooks for inspiration so we're going to try to use those more to have more interesting meals.
My cooking goals for 2016 are making more of a variety of dinners in hopes the kids will get used to seeing and eating different things. I do love to cook so I am hoping i can keep it up rather than relying on processed food. More vegetables, more fruit, less carbs for the whole family! I'd also like to see us eating out a lot less this year. It is so expensive.
I have a load of things I want to try this year. I want to bake a few new cakes but mostly try new dishes. I can get quite hooked on something and literally kill the recipe. I have a ton of things to do on my 'to do' cooking list,
I am trying to cook at home more often and eat out at restaurants less. We get caught in the dining-out trap way too easily and it's costing both in the wallet and the waist line. I also started working again so I am committed to bringing my lunch from home instead of grabbing fast food. So far, that has made a huge difference. I bring a big salad for lunch every day and some fruit to snack on throughout the day.
My cooking goals for this year is to cook healthier meals. Cut out junk food and stay away from fast food places. I know by doing this it will help me lose weight and help me save money when it comes to grocery shopping.
My plan this year is to reduce waste. I usually buy ingredients based on impulse - what looks good in the butchers, grocers or fishmongers. This mainly works but often find ingedients left untouched in the fridge. Also whilst being quite good at freezing excess portions of cooked meals I am not so good at thinking of looking in the freezer for a meal instead of heading to the market.
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