Cooking Movies


25 Aug 2019
Local time
2:51 PM
Eating Raul is VERY dark. :eek:

"The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, And Her Lover" also isn't for the faint of heart, very much for an adult audience, but visually, it's a stunning, stunning film. Just beautifully shot.

Different scenes are shot with different color schemes, like everyone in a room that's covered in red upholstery and drapes and carpets with also be in red, and in another scene, everything is white, or green, etc, and sometimes, it's the transition from one scene to the next that's so gripping; everyone walking from a red room into a blue room, and...SNAP!...everyone and everything is blue, and of course, the colors themselves indicate the mood and the message. Some of the scenes are also staged to mimic classic paintings.

Heavy hitters in the casting as well; Michael Gambon (the thief), Helen Mirren (the wife), as well as Tim Roth, Gary Olsen, and a handful of other familiar faces.

Sadly, it's out of print, so you have to happen upon one for sale somewhere or catch it streaming. Netflix had it for a while.

I owned the DVD, and against my better judgment, I let someone I trusted borrow it, and they never returned it (along with Mirrormask). What's worse, they also didn't like the movie!
"The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, And Her Lover" also isn't for the faint of heart, very much for an adult audience, but visually, it's a stunning, stunning film. Just beautifully shot.

Different scenes are shot with different color schemes, like everyone in a room that's covered in red upholstery and drapes and carpets with also be in red, and in another scene, everything is white, or green, etc, and sometimes, it's the transition from one scene to the next that's so gripping; everyone walking from a red room into a blue room, and...SNAP!...everyone and everything is blue, and of course, the colors themselves indicate the mood and the message. Some of the scenes are also staged to mimic classic paintings.

Heavy hitters in the casting as well; Michael Gambon (the thief), Helen Mirren (the wife), as well as Tim Roth, Gary Olsen, and a handful of other familiar faces.

Sadly, it's out of print, so you have to happen upon one for sale somewhere or catch it streaming. Netflix had it for a while.

I owned the DVD, and against my better judgment, I let someone I trusted borrow it, and they never returned it (along with Mirrormask). What's worse, they also didn't like the movie!

Sounds like a Beat Generation kind of movie.


There is an existing thread: Foodie or Food related films.

I think you searched for movies rather than films - its that UK/US language thing again.

Movie vs "film" is not a UK vs US thing. It is more of a yuppie/hipster vs regular person kind of thing, at least to me. A documentary is a "film." Something one watches for entertainment is a movie.

I have an art degree, but some "films" bore the crap out of me. I am "supposed" to like them, or I'm an ignorant, low class person. I've seen Citizen Kane about three times. Great movie! Snobs call it a "film." I'm okay with that, but I'm not getting on that bus.

Alfred Hitchcock knew how to make really great movies... that are often misunderstood by people calling them "films." North by Northwest is one of my favorite "movies." I've watched it at least a half-dozen times.


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Movie vs "film" is not a UK vs US thing. It is more of a yuppie/hipster vs regular person kind of thing, at least to me. A documentary is a "film." Something one watches for entertainment is a movie.

I have an art degree, but some "films" bore the crap out of me. I am "supposed" to like them, or I'm an ignorant, low class person. I've seen Citizen Kane about three times. Great movie! Snobs call it a "film." I'm okay with that, but I'm not getting on that bus.

Alfred Hitchcock knew how to make really great movies... that are often misunderstood by people calling them "films." North by Northwest is one of my favorite "movies." I've watched it at least a half-dozen times.


You really are embracing your inner Tasty today! :)
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