Cooking With Love?


14 Nov 2013
Local time
10:22 PM
Have you ever heard the expression Cooking with Love? I have heard the expression on a few Hallmark movies and in my own kitchen. My hubby always talks about "cooking with love" in our home. When I tell him what we are having for supper he always reminds me to cook it with love. According to him if I am not cooking it with love I should not even bother making it. This does make sense but it does get aggravating at times to hear it every day.

What does the expressing "Cooking with Love" mean to you? Do you cook with love in your home?
haha, I have no idea what your hubby means but I guess he just wants a tasty meal. Don't we all:P

Cooking with love to me would mean being passionate and enthusiastic and trying to create the best meal you possibly can. I am really not sure though. I'm sure he means well though:)
I have heard the saying "made with love"but I have not heard your hubby's saying. Whenever a friend of mine bakes something they usually say it was "made with love" and whatever they make is delicious. But I agree with pipps! He probably wants a delicious meal and if you put in effort and all, the meal should taste amazing :)
haha, I have no idea what your hubby means but I guess he just wants a tasty meal. Don't we all:P

Cooking with love to me would mean being passionate and enthusiastic and trying to create the best meal you possibly can. I am really not sure though. I'm sure he means well though:)

Haha he wants me to cook with lots of fattening grease and fry everything I lay my hands on in the kitchen. That is his idea of love. I don't like to fry foods. His family is big on frying everything. I do cook with love but he has to pick at me from time to time.

I have heard the saying "made with love"but I have not heard your hubby's saying. Whenever a friend of mine bakes something they usually say it was "made with love" and whatever they make is delicious. But I agree with pipps! He probably wants a delicious meal and if you put in effort and all, the meal should taste amazing :)

My hubby is picking at me. He wants me to cook everything fried. I just can't seem to bring myself to do that. LOL
I am afraid I don't cook with love, to me cooking is a chore and I try to do some so that my husband doesn't have to do it all the time. He loves cooking and is very creative but he gets 'can't be bothered' days. Not a big fan of frying either tbh, stir fry yes but not much else.
I remember my grandmother always advising me to cook with love when grow up because she used to say that the success in cooking strives in making it with love and preferably sporting a big smile :)
Haha he wants me to cook with lots of fattening grease and fry everything I lay my hands on in the kitchen. That is his idea of love. I don't like to fry foods. His family is big on frying everything. I do cook with love but he has to pick at me from time to time.

My hubby is picking at me. He wants me to cook everything fried. I just can't seem to bring myself to do that. LOL

So do you think you're hubby instead means cooking with 'lard' or he could mean he wants you to cook things that are full of fat. Haha, or does he mean like Nigella Lawson 'cooking with love'?
I am afraid I don't cook with love, to me cooking is a chore and I try to do some so that my husband doesn't have to do it all the time. He loves cooking and is very creative but he gets 'can't be bothered' days. Not a big fan of frying either tbh, stir fry yes but not much else.

It is a chore for me when I have to constantly think.... ok will he like this? I wish he would help me pick out meals for menus. He is strange because one day he will like something and be craving it and the next week he will not even look twice at it and want something else fixed.

I remember my grandmother always advising me to cook with love when grow up because she used to say that the success in cooking strives in making it with love and preferably sporting a big smile :)

That is a fond memory of your grandmother.

So do you think you're hubby instead means cooking with 'lard' or he could mean he wants you to cook things that are full of fat. Haha, or does he mean like Nigella Lawson 'cooking with love'?
LOL I had to laugh at this. He would love it if I cooked everything with lard... YUCK!
He can't expect you to read his mind. We all have days when we are craving one thing or another, then other days when we have no appetite for those things at all. This happens to me all the time when I try to "plan ahead" all my meals for the week or make stuff in advance. I am almost never in the mood for it when it comes time to eat it. If I make a big pot of Chili, by the time I am done with it, I am totally craving Chinese food instead or something like that.

On the other hand, I could understand someone saying something like this if the person cooking is just throwing stuff in a pot to get it done and not really paying much attention to the food or how it comes out. Not accusing you of doing this, I was actually thinking of my mom these days (I know this is awful to day, but she'll even admit to it). She's a great cook, but as we've all gotten older, I think she's a bit burned out on having to cook for everyone all the time and making a bunch of pots and pans, so she just makes really basic stuff most of the time anymore - spaghetti with butter and parmesan, a pan fried steak, some microwaved green beans, etc... Not the homemade kolachi rolls, sunday sauces, casseroles, homemade pierogi and stuff like that these days...
You should start saying it to him too, turn the tables and see how he reacts :P I would haha. Do you know what he means yet? It must be a pain for you when you make him something he was craving a week ago and then he is not even bothered anymore..?
He can't expect you to read his mind. We all have days when we are craving one thing or another, then other days when we have no appetite for those things at all. This happens to me all the time when I try to "plan ahead" all my meals for the week or make stuff in advance. I am almost never in the mood for it when it comes time to eat it. If I make a big pot of Chili, by the time I am done with it, I am totally craving Chinese food instead or something like that.

On the other hand, I could understand someone saying something like this if the person cooking is just throwing stuff in a pot to get it done and not really paying much attention to the food or how it comes out. Not accusing you of doing this, I was actually thinking of my mom these days (I know this is awful to day, but she'll even admit to it). She's a great cook, but as we've all gotten older, I think she's a bit burned out on having to cook for everyone all the time and making a bunch of pots and pans, so she just makes really basic stuff most of the time anymore - spaghetti with butter and parmesan, a pan fried steak, some microwaved green beans, etc... Not the homemade kolachi rolls, sunday sauces, casseroles, homemade pierogi and stuff like that these days...

Tom I am afraid his tastes change from day to day. As far your mom goes I think she is probably just feeling worn out. Perhaps if someone helped her out with the dishes she would cook those remembered meals.

You should start saying it to him too, turn the tables and see how he reacts :P I would haha. Do you know what he means yet? It must be a pain for you when you make him something he was craving a week ago and then he is not even bothered anymore..?

Pipps his tastes differ so much from mine. He grew up with his family frying everything and even though my family was similar while I was growing up, after I got out on my own I stopped the frying nonsense. He wants me to fry everything I have in the kitchen. He is also against simple meals. It drives me nuts at times.
Hahaha sounds interesting. I come to hear this phrase most often. There are few people who just cook for the sake of fulfilling their responsibility being a wife. They cook food keeping aside all the interests of their family and just to finish is with less strain and work. It is for them this phrase is best suited. If once we start cooking food with love towards them we don't feel that tiring to cook the best out of us.
In your case, your husband is in mere wanting for fries and it is the only reason he is saying it, I feel :)
When I was in culinary school the chef was always tell us to cook with love too. Cooking with love means if you put you're ins on the dish and give it proper attention the dish will taste nice. If your in the kitchen and your mind isn't in the cooking and you don't want to do it the dish won't turn out the way it's meant to.
Hahaha sounds interesting. I come to hear this phrase most often. There are few people who just cook for the sake of fulfilling their responsibility being a wife. They cook food keeping aside all the interests of their family and just to finish is with less strain and work. It is for them this phrase is best suited. If once we start cooking food with love towards them we don't feel that tiring to cook the best out of us.
In your case, your husband is in mere wanting for fries and it is the only reason he is saying it, I feel :)

I fall in the rut of cooking for the sake of fulfilling my responsibility sometimes but he does want fried food.

When I was in culinary school the chef was always tell us to cook with love too. Cooking with love means if you put you're ins on the dish and give it proper attention the dish will taste nice. If your in the kitchen and your mind isn't in the cooking and you don't want to do it the dish won't turn out the way it's meant to.

I think that this is true. I get distracted in the kitchen at times and it does not turn out as well as it should.
I am not sure what it means to make it with Love. But I must admit that I used to love almost everything my mom used to make, when I was a kid. So, I think that is what it is to make it with Love.

As for your better half, on a lighter note, remind him that you are not his mother. :) .. It would help if he spoke to you, rather than hoping that you can comprehend abstract phrases. :)
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