Recipe Corn Fritters


25 Aug 2019
Local time
6:35 AM
This is a corn dish I love. It is heavy on the corn -- corn is not a minor ingredient. Mine has 4 ears of fresh sweet corn, sliced off the cob. Not frozen, not canned.


1 cup sifted AP flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup milk (add more if needed for thick batter)
Corn! Like I said, I used 4 ears of fresh corn -- more than usual.

Mix alll the ingredients. Deep fry or shallow fry -- your choice. I deep fried. A tablespoon at a time.


This looks great - you have a lovely golden batter. Would you serve them with a dip?

Corn fritters are versatile. There are a lot of dips out there, both sweet and savory. I was planning on making a sweet/spicy dipping sauce with maple syrup and cayenne pepper, but this corn was so sweet, that I changed my plans. The light dusting of powdered sugar was the right decision, IMO. Like beignets with corn.

These were the best corn fritters I'v ever made, and it was all because of the corn. My skills had nothing to do with it. Sometimes, as a cook, you just have to get out of the way of good ingredients. This was that kind of thing.

What he didn't mention is the dusting of powdered sugar on top, and no it's not generally eaten with a dip, at least in the part of the South I'm from.

Yes, that is a common thing to do in parts of the South. I wish you lived closer today, because I think you would have liked these.

I was thinking of a really hot spicy dip as a contrast to the sweetness - (I don't really have a sweet tooth).

That harkens to my original plan of a sweet/hot sauce. BTW, I love sweet and hot together. But, today, I just had a change in plans when I tasted the fritters. Cooking by the seat of my pants (does that mean anything in the UK?).

Corn fritters are versatile. There are a lot of dips out there, both sweet and savory. I was planning on making a sweet/spicy dipping sauce with maple syrup and cayenne pepper, but this corn was so sweet, that I changed my plans. The light dusting of powdered sugar was the right decision, IMO. Like beignets with corn.

These were the best corn fritters I'v ever made, and it was all because of the corn. My skills had nothing to do with it. Sometimes, as a cook, you just have to get out of the way of good ingredients. This was that kind of thing.


Mine are like patties, I add chopped onion and bacon as well. I use canned cream corn. Your pics look awesome btw.

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