Covid-19 eating and activity survey (England only)


Well-Known Member
22 Jun 2020
Local time
6:59 AM
Hi there,

Help a foodie research group out by participating in a quick (20 minute) survey for anyone who has experienced lockdown in England: Household Activity & Eating During COVID-19

More information here:
In this research we are collecting information about how people across England have experienced the lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are asking people of different ages, family and employment situations how they are being affected by the lockdown. The survey includes questions about mental well-being, general health, changes in diet and activity patterns, and demographic questions. You will not be paid for your participation. The survey can be completed in under 20 minutes, although you can take as long as you like.

The survey does not require you to provide personal details such as your name or address. Researchers will only see anonymised results, meaning that your answers cannot be linked directly to you. We are asking as many people as possible to take this survey so that we can look for patterns in how the lockdown is affecting people at a national level. In completing this survey, you are agreeing for the research team to use your answers in their analysis. Results of the survey will be reported to government organisations including the Cabinet Office and Public Health England.

About us:
The Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) is an interdisciplinary research unit based at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford. We are dedicated to understanding the complex and interwoven causes of obesity in populations across the world, and the socio-cultural and political correlates and drivers of obesity. You can find more information about us and our work at our website,
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