Crazy Busy


Legendary Member
1 Feb 2018
Local time
9:06 PM
Ypsilanti, MI.
Sorry for my inactivity the last few weeks. Work, life, ect...have all been crazy busy. Mostly good busy, but bust none the less.

I have still been checking the site, just no time to post. My wife was on vacation last week. She did most of the cooking. I haven't hand any recipes to post. I finally cooked something on SUN. Honey and Lime marinated grilled chicken breasts with garlic parmesan redskin mashed potato's

I spent most of last week prepping for an interview that I had yesterday. A lateral move into something completely different than what I'm doing now. I should know by the end of the week if I will get it or not.

On THUR. I'm teaching my first CPI class as an instructor (Non Crisis Intervention). Now I have to do some more prep for that.

Cody, our puppy lab has to have an expensive surgery. I brought up some "other" options instead of the surgery. Wife shot them all down, said he is our baby, we'll have it done lol.

Lets see, I bought some more poker chips, I sold some more poker chips. The recent set that I acquired is a one of a kind set. They were actually used as a prop on the horrible remake of the Poseidon movie. You can see Kurt Russell gambling with them for about 30 seconds. This is my second claim to fame.

I still might be a little slow posting this week. I'll do my best to pick things up soon.

Merry Christmas everyone,

Hope puppy gets better. Vet bills huh? I used to breed German shepherds so I feel for animals pain.


The bill was big enough for me to suggest having him put down. Wife nipped that in the bud real quick.

Luxating patella in both knees. Both are a grade 4 (which is the worse possible grade). He is just over one and is already getting arthritis from it.

Good news. I was just informed that I got the position that I interviewed for. Its a lateral move, but a completely different gig (same division).
The bill was big enough for me to suggest having him put down. Wife nipped that in the bud real quick.

Luxating patella in both knees. Both are a grade 4 (which is the worse possible grade). He is just over one and is already getting arthritis from it.

Good news. I was just informed that I got the position that I interviewed for. Its a lateral move, but a completely different gig (same division).

Sorry about your doggy - I hope he recovers well.

Great news about the job! I wondered what happened. It seems ages ago you had that interview - or is it a different one?
Re vets bills, I have pets insurance - so anything over a certain amount gets paid for by the insurance. Do you not have that in the US?
The bill was big enough for me to suggest having him put down. Wife nipped that in the bud real quick.

Luxating patella in both knees. Both are a grade 4 (which is the worse possible grade). He is just over one and is already getting arthritis from it.

Good news. I was just informed that I got the position that I interviewed for. Its a lateral move, but a completely different gig (same division).

Great news about the job, congratulations :happy:
The thing about pets is that you want to do your utmost best for them but it breaks your heart when you can't. Hope all is going to be ok :hug:
The bill was big enough for me to suggest having him put down. Wife nipped that in the bud real quick.

Luxating patella in both knees. Both are a grade 4 (which is the worse possible grade). He is just over one and is already getting arthritis from it.

Good news. I was just informed that I got the position that I interviewed for. Its a lateral move, but a completely different gig (same division).
Congratulations on the new job! An exciting start for the New Year. Tough call on the pup, how is he?
Last cat we had lived to about 15, vet kept making me feel guilty and paying to keep her alive. Prolly cost me 2k over the years. I gave up,when she went blind and lost her ability to toilet properly. Had her cremated and her ashes are over the garden where she used to lie in the sun. She was a real cool cat. Always at the front door for me when I got home. Followed me everywhere around the house.

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