Recipe Creamy Kohlrabi, potato, parsley root and ginger soup


Legendary Member
6 Mar 2021
Local time
2:20 AM
Zagreb, Croatia
1 large German turnip (Kohlrabi), about 250 g
4 medium size potatoes
2/3 of a parsley root, about 100 g
20 g of fresh ginger root (about the size of half a standard garlic clove)
1 garlic clove
1 smaller onion
salt (4-6 pinches, to taste)
400-500 ml vegetable stock
200 ml of cooking cream (I used vegan soy cooking cream), can be omitted if desired

Saute the chopped onion, garlic and ginger, salt, add all the other vegetables, cover with boiling hot vegetable stock and cook on medium heat until the vegetables are tender. Add the cooking cream, cook for another 2 minutes. Use a stick mixer if you want a creamy soup, taste for more salt. Serve. I garnished it with thyme, some ginger pieces and a sprinkle of curry powder mix. Very simple to make and tastes deliciously light. In particular I love the parsley root, ginger and garlic aromas combined, that are very gentle, as I used only a little bit of ginger. Enjoy!

I do not recall ever seeing parsley root. I have not checked Whole Foods or Nature's Market.
really? That is interesting. It is very common in my area. They even put up bunches, called soup-bunches containing among other ingredients a parsley root. We call them Grintzeck, which probably is derived from the German Grunzeug, or the Green stuff...
An unusual interesting recipe. Its very difficult to find parsley root in the UK. I'm not sure about elsewhere but I'm assuming its more easily found in Centra//Eastern Europe?

Parsley Root
Thank you so much. I had no idea it was difficult to find in the UK, I might ask around if the regional countries use it as often as we do.
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