Recipe Crispy Onion Strings

Diane Lane

24 Apr 2015
Local time
7:18 PM
Texas, United States
I love onion rings, but I also love onion strings, which are usually made with red/purple/Bermuda onions. This recipe calls for buttermilk, but also tells you how to make your own, so you don't have to look for a different recipe if you don't have buttermilk on hand. The first time I ever had onion strings, I fell in love, so if you've never had them, this is a must try recipe.

Crispy Fried Onion Strings

What You'll Need

*One large, red onion
*3 cups buttermilk (don't have buttermilk? See below)
*2 cups flour
*1-2 Tbs cayenne pepper, ground
*1 tsp salt plus more for sprinkling
*1 tsp pepper
*Vegetable oil for frying

What To Do

*Chop the ends off of the onion and and slice the onion in half from cut end to cut end, then place the flat part of the onion on the board and slice into fairly thin strips. You can slice them however thick you want.

*Drop you fresh onion slices into a big bowl and cover with buttermilk, let them soak for a solid hour.

****No buttermilk? Yeah, me neither, I never buy the stuff. So what do I use when I need buttermilk? regular milk and lemon juice or vinegar. Just take your cup measure and fill with 1/4 cup lemon juice OR vinegar, then fill the rest of the way with your regular milk. Boom. Instant buttermilk!****

*While the onions are soaking, in another large bowl, mix up the flour, cayenne, salt and pepper.

*With tongs, pull the onions out of the buttermilk and drop into the flour, toss to coat evenly.

*Have your oil in a large pot on the stove preheated to 375 degrees.

*Shake off a handful of the onion strings and drop them gently into the oil, fry for about 5-7 minutes or until light golden brown.

*Let the onion strings drain on paper towels after their done and sprinkle with a tad more salt if needed.

*Restrain yourself from devouring them all....

~These are super yummy, and you may even be able to experiment with making your own Outback Steakhouse 'Bloomin' Onion' knockoff, mmmmmm.

~And, you can use a regular yellow or white onion if you want, but the red onion is naturally sweeter, so it's my personal choice.


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Thanks, those look good. I used to have something that was supposed to make a "Blooming Onion" like they have at Outback Steakhouse, but I have to say, the dish at Outback Steakhouse is better. This is one of the things that I would like to make, and have it turn out as good as it did at the steakhouse. I think it would be one of the things that would be nice to perfect at home.
I have never heard of these before but I guess it makes sense to make them this way. They look really good.
The next time I am making onion rings for the family I think I will try them this way instead!
For me I use self raising flour sparkling water and a splash of vineger,flour the onion and dip in batter then deep fry turn half way through cooking
Yummm! I haven't made this version but when I do I will definitely use this to top a burger. Double the grease and calories but double the flavor as well. Great buttermilk recipe, thanks!
What is the use of buttermilk in this recipe? Can I proceed with it? Is there a secret to making the onion more crunchy and crispy? Do I need to dehydrate them or soak them in cold water to achieve that?
I am formally asking permission to use this thread's recipe for our Christmas appetizer. However, I will be using white onions instead of red because the red is somewhat spicy that goes against my husband's acidic stomach. And the cayenne will also have to go. I am thinking of something new for Christmas day when we celebrate it together with my sister's birthday. So you can guess that it is a family reunion with some drinking. That crispy onion would go well with beer.
I love any variation of fried onions. It does not matter to me if they are strings or rings, they all taste good. I normally make own buttermilk so I can attest to the fact that it works just the same as buttermilk you buy, and so much cheaper.
I love the addition of buttermilk I think it has a great smooth and silky taste but I've never tried it on onions before! Great recipe, I think the cayenne will add a nice contrast.
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