Day of the week meal tradition?


16 Nov 2014
Local time
11:34 PM
Washington, USA
Is there a meal that you eat as a tradition once a week in your home? My parents eat cheeseburgers and ice cream every Friday night and have since I was younger. Some families have "taco tuesday" and I used to make fried chicken and mashed potatoes every Sunday. I have broken away from meal traditions as I have learned how to cook more things. How about you all?
The day of the week that we tend to cook traditionally is on Sunday. This is the day for baked chicken, rice and peas (mostly field peas or dried peas), cooked vegetables as well as salad. Macaroni pie is also a traditional dish on this day. We do not have a traditional dish for any other day of the week.
I wouldn't say we have a weekly tradition but certainly a monthly one. We usually have a homemade pizza party once a month depending on how all out schedules sync up. The family's favourite day.
I can't imagine cooking a Sunday without including rice. Those I cook for also look for cole slaw and some other salad. A Sunday does not go by without me cooking up a storm. Cooking up a storm has become a Sunday norm.
traditional fish on friday and a roast on sunday and left overs on monday ,i have never fitted into this with my life ,we seem to find it hard to sit at a table together and our evening meal seems to be served at 3 servings,summer time things change again ,meals later or on the move
Before I left home many decades ago, fish was the dish we had every friday. It was a cardinal rule and was never broken no matter what. These days I dont have a certain thing that I eat on a certain day. More of a surprise day for us, as in it will be a surprise to find anything in the cupboard that we can turn Into a meal.
Not really anymore, but when we were childless we used to always have a frozen pizza with added fresh toppings every weekend. Strangely we ate so much healthier before children, so that was our "bad" meal of the week. Now that would be an any day meal!
I make burgers every Friday night too! I serve them in the bun with cheese and bacon and make chips/fries and onion rings to go on the side. OH always looks forward to burger night! In the UK, it's traditional to eat fish on fridays and a roast dinner on sundays. I rarely do either of these things.
Every Sunday is our traditional day to bond and to eat together as a family. But we do not have any particular food that we are preparing on that day. Anything that we like to eat is being prepared and cook or bought outside. If we just want to eat pizza, fried chicken and ice cream we just bought it outside as requested by the children. Our family loves pasta that is why if they want to eat Italian pasta with meatballs or carbonara pasta then we cook it from scratch.
Our household usually has 'Pizza Day' on Thursdays which is also our 'chill' day so none of us are bothered to cook for dinner. Sometimes we also have Saturdays when we grill chicken or fish and bake cookies or cupcakes as our desserts. It's a really great day since it's normally when I get to try out any new recipes I've found!
I've actually been thinking about doing something like this for a while. I feel like it would be significantly easier when it comes to meal planning and grocery shopping if you had some sort of daily framework in mind before you started. I do know quite a few people that do it with success - they'll have things like meat-free Mondays where they will have a vegetarian inspired dish, Taco Tuesdays is another popular one (my friends don't always do tacos on those nights but it's some variation of a Mexican Dish!) and so forth.

I just like the idea of having structure, I guess!
No, we don't really stick to a certain type of food on a certain day of the week. It never really works for us with the kid's schedules and all. But I do meal planning so I at least know what I am going to cook ahead of time and don't have to rush at the last minute.
We used to have spaghetti every Wednesday. The reason was it is really fast and we had to leave after dinner. That went by the wayside a while ago, but it was a tradition of sorts for quite some time.
Today is my traditional "cook up a storm day' where rice, chicken, veg and salads are to be prepared if nothing else. I am behind schedule as I now have to start from scratch and I am honestly not feeling to be in the kitchen today. If I have to I don't want to be there for long. This goes back to me saying some back, that even when you love to cook, the best of us want a break sometimes. Anyway, nothing has changed for me. Sunday is still D day for big cooking.
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