Deep Fried Turkey


15 Feb 2016
Local time
7:52 PM
I normally bake turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas and sometimes Easter too. This year, my oldest daughter has decided she would like for us to try deep frying the turkey instead. I have heard that it is very delicious this way, but can be dangerous if you are not careful in how you do it. Have any of you ever deep fried a turkey and if so, what is the best way to do it safely?
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My husband had tried deep fried turkey when he was temporarily assigned in London. The big turkey drumstick had caught his fancy so he bought a few pieces with the intention of frying it like chicken drumsticks. Using the same marinade of lemon and soy sauce, everything went well and the turkey looked good when fried. However, as the saying goes that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, you can guess that the fried turkey drumstick didn't suit their taste buds. My husband's remark - it tastes like medicine.
I have never had fried turkey or been interested in doing it. For one thing the turkey fryer's are quite expensive about 100 dollars. The turkey is healthier baked, and every year someone manages to set their deck or something on fire with turkey fryers. Plus what do you do with the left over oil? No thanks, I would try it if someone had some, but I am not about to do it myself.
My husband had tried deep fried turkey when he was temporarily assigned in London. The big turkey drumstick had caught his fancy so he bought a few pieces with the intention of frying it like chicken drumsticks. Using the same marinade of lemon and soy sauce, everything went well and the turkey looked good when fried. However, as the saying goes that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, you can guess that the fried turkey drumstick didn't suit their taste buds. My husband's remark - it tastes like medicine.

Probably too much of something in the marinade might have caused it to taste like medicine. :(
I normally bake turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas and sometimes Easter too. This year, my oldest daughter has decided she would like for us to try deep frying the turkey instead. I have heard that it is very delicious this way, but can be dangerous if you are not careful in how you do it. Have any of you ever deep fried a turkey and if so, what is the best way to do it safely?

I've done it, but only once. I have an electric turkey fryer that works like the propane-powered ones do, only that the possible dangers associated with propane are done away with. My nephew in Georgia does it all the time - just about every holiday that comes along! He enjoys doing it. And it DOES taste very good!

The problem is, that if you don't do it often enough, then the question becomes what do you do with all that leftover peanut or soybean oil? It could possibly go rancid and spoil over time!

Here's what mine looks like. :wink:
I absolutely get your point about what to do with all the oil! I mean...unless you are deep frying turkeys once a week (who does?) then its a bit daft. :D

Even then, you'd have to have a fairly sizable family to make doing a deep fried turkey twice a week practical. It's only me, and as long as I go to Georgia to one of my nephews' house for Thanksgiving, I will be eating it, even if it is only once a year!

But I would like to try deep frying turkey PARTS - almost similar to frying a cut up chicken, to see what it's like! :wink:
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