Diatomaceous Earth

Never heard of this before! I do worm my dog regularly but have never worried about other internal parasites. Do you have a dog with a particular problem...?

I don't have a dog with parasites. I just thought it was an interesting thing when I heard about it. I once considered selling baked goods as a side income, and someone suggested I do pet treats, as well. I know some people consume (and have their pets consume) diatomaceous earth sometimes as a preventive measure. I just don't know if it actually works, because I've seen debate. Some people swear by it while others scoff.
"If breathed in, diatomaceous earth can irritate the nose and nasal passages. If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. On skin, it can cause irritation and dryness. Diatomaceous earth may also irritate the eyes, due to its abrasive nature. Any dust, including silica, can be irritating to the eyes."

Just a thought - at work some years ago we were warned about the effects of silica and other fine particles in that they could get into the lungs and be a similar problem to asbestos. Not sure if it's relevant here as the quantities would be small but maybe worth a little care.
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