Diet Delivery Plans


19 May 2015
Local time
8:27 PM
For the longest time I've been wanting to loose weight because I've always been on the chunky side and just last year I've been on my heaviest. I've tried dieting (with the help of recipes online) but I hated all the food that I had to eat as they were bland and just disgusting.

Around a month ago a relative of mine mentioned diet delivery plans and how cheap and efficient they are and she lost a lot of weight from it so I decided to try it. I picked one of the cheapest brands in our city and ordered a 1,200 calorie a week plan. Basically what they did was deliver my food for the whole day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) in the morning and I just eat those for the day. They keep doing that for 5 days (Monday to Friday) which means I have the weekends off. At first I was kind of doubting what the food would taste like since it was diet food but they actually tasted pretty good! Some of the meals weren't the best but for diet food, they weren't bad.

I've been doing it for a month now and I'm currently 10 pounds lighter. This is the fastest I've lost weight! I think I'll be sticking to this from now on.

What do you think about Diet Delivery plans?
I haven't ever tried them, but I should think, in one sense, they are a good idea because you simply don't have to think about what you are eating and weigh up calories, fats or whatever - you just eat what you'e given! I'm on a semi-permanent diet because, although I love cooking and love eating, I simply can't bear to be over weight. Call me vain! But its not just that, I actually have more energy if I'm slimmer.

The way I diet is also five days a week. I carry on preparing normal food for everyone else and I do 'taste' it to make sure its seasoned correctly etc. I have a system which works for me and includes alcohol!!! I've worked out a series of 'micro calorie' meals, which I make myself and which get me through the day. For example, a soup which is only 35 calories or Asian style courgette 'noodles' with soy sauce, fish sauce and chilli. I use a lot of chilli and spices to make things interesting. Then in the evening, I have a home-made 350- 400 calorie meal plus a few glasses of wine. I use almond milk instead of cow's milk in all tea and coffee - there is one here in the UK which is only 28 calories for 200ml (a fraction of the cals in cow's milk).

Anyway, well done for losing the weight, keytcee!
TBH I don't see the point. Once the 'plan' is ended then you are back on your own again with no one 'holding your hand' as it were. Further in the UK they are NOT cheap. Much better to get some basic advise from either a doctor or even a simple healthy eating guide and do it yourself.
the craze diet in the uk is the 5-2 diet 2 days of just 500 calories split during the week ,and 5 days eating normal foods ,google it ....
I have heard of them and their various benefits. In the Philippines, there are I think around five popular diet delivery plans services. A lot of people testify to their effectivity. Sadly, I cannot subscribe to these because they are expensive.
No, these plans aren't cheap in the UK and whilst there's no doubt that they can give results, simply eating what is delivered does very little to help you make healthier choices in the future. I would be concerned about what happens when the plan is over - the weight would pile back on if you returned to your previous eating habits so you would still need to learn about healthy choices for the future.
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