Diet meals!


14 Oct 2013
Local time
8:01 PM
So I posted the other day how I needed suggestions on what me and my girlfriend could have as diet meals kind of because she is dieting. Some of our favorite meals are chicken fajitas, pork-chops with sautéed mushrooms and onions, usually with potatoes and veggies.Stir fry, fish with rice and veggies, Liver, Steak. We usually have potatoes and rice with all meals sometimes some pasta sides.
I remember my youth days when I was obsessed about dieting and was under strict eating regimes that made my meals far from being as appealing as yours are.

Today, if I were on a diet to lose weight, those dishes that you cite sound tasty and yet healthy, so it's probably being easy pursue your goal.

Personally I'm not longer concerned about how I look like and being thankfully healthy, I simply enjoy meals that I like regardless their calorie content.
As I get older myself I don't really crave a lot of deep fried foods like I once did. I still could eat healthier, but I find my palate becoming more sophisticated and my stomach turning away from the heavy grease and fat foods. When I'm working on weight loss, I try to eat a lot of chicken and a lot of salad. Water, water, water! I also advocate finding a food that you can constantly munch on. For me it's carrots and celery because I love the texture.
I mainly eat fruits and vegetables because I love eating them. I do eat some of the healthy dinners they have out there, but I still eat the unhealthy foods too. I just try to watch what I eat and keep my body healthy.
Moderate exercise that you don't mind on a regular basis will help out a lot mixed with just simply being aware of your food intake and trying to be reasonable. Having said that, this is assuming that you don't have a psychological issue where food is your crutch, an eating disorder, an unhealthy or malfunctioning hypothalamus or possibly a messed up thyroid. With's a little different.
Moderate exercise that you don't mind on a regular basis will help out a lot mixed with just simply being aware of your food intake and trying to be reasonable. Having said that, this is assuming that you don't have a psychological issue where food is your crutch, an eating disorder, an unhealthy or malfunctioning hypothalamus or possibly a messed up thyroid. With's a little different.
I agree about having other issues that affect what a person can eat to stay healthy. My mom is in that type of situation and it's hard to find foods that she is allowed to eat. She hates the fact that her choices are limited, but there is nothing she can do to change it. We just make sure that she eats right and we try to keep her healthy.
I think when a person is told that they "can't" eat a certain food, it triggers a psychological desire to eat it. There should be a therapy regiment for people that are placed on a restrictive diet to help them with the psychological effects of not being allowed to eat certain things. I know that sounds silly, but I really think there's something to it.
I agree with you because we have a hard time with my mom about that. She wants what she can't have and she acts like a spoiled child because of it.
I think when a person is told that they "can't" eat a certain food, it triggers a psychological desire to eat it. There should be a therapy regiment for people that are placed on a restrictive diet to help them with the psychological effects of not being allowed to eat certain things. I know that sounds silly, but I really think there's something to it.

Not all of us have this issue. For me, I look at the cakes in places like Costa/Starbuck's or even a supermarket and all I see is a 999 call and time in hospital/or major issues with my asthma that night (I'm allergic to cow's dairy and intolerant to all other dairy products - allergic as in 999 call and intolerant as is won't get any sleep for next 48 hours and will spend my time coughing my guts up and having constant asthma attacks). I have even managed to control the desire for chocolate now and don't find the need to avoid certain isles in the supermarket anymore. I actually find the only thing I miss is straight cow's milk, but the alternatives now are so much better than they used to be that even that is no longer an issue. But eating out is a major issue - still is saves on the wallet!
I wish my mom could overcome her desire to eat every unhealthy food she sees on tv. She was given a specific diet, but she doesn't want to follow it because she is use to eating junk food and she didn't want to give it up. We butt heads constantly because she is always trying to get us to buy her some type of food she saw on tv. I know it looks good on television, but that doesn't mean that we have to buy everything we see on tv.
Part of it SatNav has to be if a person has a more addictive personality. Food can and is an addiction for many! Perhaps one of the most common forms of addiction. But your brain can be trained to do an awful lot of things. It sounds like you've reconditioned yourself. Bravo!
I don't eat everything I see on tv because I didn't want to keep myself out of shape and unhealthy. I may be tempted by the way the food looks on tv, but I don't have the urge to buy everything I see on tv anymore. I think that's a good thing.
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