"Disinfecting" Vegetables Before You Eat Them?I


11 Sep 2013
Local time
11:41 AM
I was watching some Youtube videos of a Mexican cook sharing a bunch of her recipes. She spoke limited English, but I noticed when ever she was making something with fresh vegetables, she often mentioned soaking them in cold water and "disinfectant".

At first I just assumed maybe she mis translated something, but I could not figure out what she actually meant by it. After reading up, apparently in some regions such as Mexico, it's recommended to disinfect your fresh produce by soaking them in water with a mixture of food safe disinfectant.

I also read of some horror stories of how fresh produce is transferred and comes in contact with a lot of unclean stuff.

Do you all disinfect your produce when cooking? I'm wondering how common this is in the US.
It really only applies to certain areas of the world where sanitary conditions are not great. By which I mean the use of poo pourri as a fertiliser or where people still squat in a field of trench where crops are grown. in these conditions it is necessary to wash, and either disinfect or peel all vegetables, but in what is normally called the 'first world' countries it is entirely unnecessary because there are strict regulations and sanitary conditions. Here you may still wish to wash the veg, but disinfecting the skins is entirely unnecessary.
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