Display problem

Sticky Fingers

Senior Member
21 Dec 2019
Local time
11:03 PM
Gloucestershire U.K.
Can this display problem be a fault with the site or is it me? forgive me Tasty for using your post.

Cookingbites problems.jpg
It looks more like there was an error when the information/data for that page was downloaded. It often happens if the server is busy or your connection is slow. Usually a refresh/page reload will clear it. I often get it on sites across the internet because of my satellite connection.

I'd only be concerned if it doesn't clear after a refresh AND more than 1 person is experiencing it. Usually a simple refresh/reload will clear it (usually F5 or an icon or word reload in a menu) but sometimes it will take clearing temp internet files, closing the browser and reopening it. Your device may also benefit from a restart. In my case I often have to take my broadband connection offline for 15-30 minutes and then restart that as well.

The best test is to open another Xenforo website such as www.cyclechat.net and see if that is loading OK. But that won't rule out the busy server because we are on the same server (cyclechat is owned and operated by the former owner and founder of CookingBites).
Yeah, it looks like the page didn't completely load. A refresh "should" fix it.

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