Do you cook a full breakfast on a weekend


24 Sep 2013
Local time
5:16 AM
Cooking a full breakfast on a weekend is still traditional here in the UK but time has moved on and a lot of people are watching what they eat so a full breakfast is not as popular as it used to be. Do you still cook a full breakfast on a weekend as a treat?
I make eggy bread/french toast sometimes at the weekend, daughter loves it son not so keen. Always fry it in olive oil so I can pretend I am being healthy. Normally go for a long bike ride afterwards.:)
A full English breakfast is more like a lunch but I love it! I never cook one myself but sometimes I might go into a local pub to have one.
nope, never. even hate having them when I am staying in B&B's...
closest I guess I come to would be lunch, after cycling 21 miles to my parents knowing I have to cycle 21 miles home again, and that would be baked beans on toast with a fried egg.
We rarely cook a Full English - our weekend treat is likely to be a fried egg sandwich. But when we stay with my Mum at a weekend, we'll often have a late full breakfast on the Sunday, before we head home - it's a treat she has rarely too.
I stopped cooking a full breakfast a long time ago. I just like to keep it simple. A bowl of cereal or oatmeal depending on my mood. Sometimes I will cook some bacon and eggs. Lately I have been eating pancakes for breakfast everday.
I have not cooked a full breakfast on a weekend in years. I usually just eat some toast and drink coffee for breakfast. I don't know of that many vegan breakfast foods besides breads, potatoes and oatmeal so I don't bother going to great lengths for that first meal of the day. I tend to cook large lunches and dinners on the weekend. I really am not a morning person at all.
I cook a full breakfast almost every morning. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and it really helps carry me through the morning into lunch. Sometimes I will eat such a large breakfast, that I am not even really hungry when it comes time for lunch.

I will often peel, chop and parboil potatoes in the evening when I have some free time, making a large batch that will last several days. That way as soon as I get up in the morning, I can get some homefries cooking while I prep the other stuff. Honestly breakfast comes together pretty quickly anyhow, so aside from scrambling some eggs and chopping some vegetables, there's not much to do.
If anything in weekend,we sleep we actually skip breakfast. The last time we cooked a full meal probably was last week when we grilled out with some beans and corns. Instead of cooking full breakfast,once in a while we'd go to have breakfast with my father in law favorite bar that serves an enormous pancake. I love their loaded hash browns.
We have our 5 year old grandchild every weekend. The rest of the week, it is just my husband and myself, as our children are grown and out of the house. I do cook a full breakfast on most Saturdays and every Sunday. Sometimes my children will stop by. Its nice to be able to cook for a larger group again, like I used to do daily when my three children still lived at home. Sitting around the kitchen table with the kids makes me feel young again.
Absolutely. What a perfect way to spend a Saturday or Sunday morning. Fixing a big breakfast. I love Eggs and Bacon, or waffles or french toast. If I have company I will fix a breakfast casserole. Sometimes I get real ambitious and make homemade sweet rolls. I eat quick meals every morning all week long it is such a treat to fix a good breakfast on the weekends. If I am lucky my husband will get up early and fix me breakfast in bed.
We have our 5 year old grandchild every weekend. The rest of the week, it is just my husband and myself, as our children are grown and out of the house. I do cook a full breakfast on most Saturdays and every Sunday. Sometimes my children will stop by. Its nice to be able to cook for a larger group again, like I used to do daily when my three children still lived at home. Sitting around the kitchen table with the kids makes me feel young again.

That's lovely!
This weekend I was feeling hungry so I fixed some scrambled eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. It was the best breakfast I had ever made for myself.
I haven't had a chance to fix a big breakfast for a while. I have been working a lot and taking care of so I haven't had a lot of time for a big breakfast. I only get by with poptarts right now.
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