Do you eat the stem end of a tomato?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:45 AM
Ohio, US
Here’s a tomato we ate today:


See the top of the tomato on the far right, the stem end? Do you all eat that, meaning that middle bit where the fruit was attached to the plant?

I cut that out and pitch it in the bin. MrsT eats it and says it’s the best part.

What say you, CB’ers?
Of course you eat it! It's delish.
Unless it's huge and ugly, of course, in which case I cut it out and give it to the dog! :laugh: :laugh:
If I'm making a tomato sauce for pasta, for example, I leave it there. Chop it up, no problem, it'll soften while cooking. Sometimes, those really big Mediterranean tomatoes (I think you call them "heirloom") have a really big stem which can occasionally be tough and bitter. It's a judgement call. If you want to make something very "aesthetic", yes, you'd probably want to remove the core.
When I make Heston Blumenthal's Confit Tomatoes, I always remove the skin AND the core.
See the top of the tomato on the far right, the stem end? Do you all eat that, meaning that middle bit where the fruit was attached to the plant?

I cut that out and pitch it in the bin. MrsT eats it and says it’s the best part.

What say you, CB’ers?

No. I make that my first slice, and eat around that part. The other end is fine.

Here’s a tomato we ate today:

View attachment 103608

See the top of the tomato on the far right, the stem end? Do you all eat that, meaning that middle bit where the fruit was attached to the plant?

I cut that out and pitch it in the bin. MrsT eats it and says it’s the best part.

What say you, CB’ers?
I eat the core, hubby cuts it out. But with grape or cherry he'll eat it. Cooking, the core remains.
I have to confess, it's one of the few bits of any vegetable or fruit that I don't eat. And I use most parts of all veg and fruit. I'll cut it out unless the tomato is going to be pureed at which point it doesn't matter.
Hubby will eat it, and will remove it from my plate if I put it aside. (I've always had problems eating tomatoes, pineapple, all citrus fruit and similar acidic veg & fruit with my geographic tongue.
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This is how my tongue is 50% of the time. It's a genetic condition and pretty much permanent for me, and yes, it hurts to eat it drink when it is like this and it hurts not to a well.
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