Do you ever fast?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
8:39 PM
Fasting is something my doctor recommended I do once a week for a full day or half a day. Why? She said it was an easy way to cleanse my body of toxins.

Do any of you fast?
Once a week I do fasting for only half a day and it feels great! Yes I learned it also for a long time as a way for cleansing the toxins in our body that is why I tried it and I had been doing this for years already. As a result it had been years also since I do not get sick easily.
No, I maintain a healthy weight through eating all foods within a balanced diet and working out regularly as I'm a keen runner. I think if I was to fast that I'd become more fixated on food during fasting periods and would binge eat once the fasting period was over ha ha. Fasting isn't for everyone and isn't a concept I'm remotely interested in.
Nope, I could never bring myself to do it, I would be miserable the whole day, not to mention weak.

The only time I ever came close to it was when I caught Mono a few years ago. I barely ate anything for a week straight and dropped like 15 lbs. All I wanted to do was sleep all day and I had no appetite what so ever.
Nope, never. Then again seeing as you are talking about very short times, such as half a day, I'm sure it happens quite often for me by accident.
I really don't see the point in it, I just try to eat healthily which will have a much better cleansing effect than fasting and then eating junk food afterwards.
Fasting is something my doctor recommended I do once a week for a full day or half a day. Why? She said it was an easy way to cleanse my body of toxins.

Do any of you fast?

I'm currently fasting right now on organic smoothies and juice. I've been doing a lot of juicing lately and while they can sometimes have an acquired taste, they are very beneficial to you health wise of course. And so are smoothies. I'm doing a 3 day fast that also includes raw foods. I'm on my second day (started on Monday) and so far so good. Some take it even further for spiritual reasons where they meditate and pray.
I fasted for a 72 hour period, drinking only juice. I did this with some members of my church while we meditated and prayed. We do this once or twice a year. It gives us a time to pray, reflect, and really humble ourselves.
I've been hearing a lot about intermittent fasting lately and have even listened to some podcasts on the subject. Basically you fast for 16 hours and eat only during a window of 8 hours. Their are a lot of pros to fasting, including helping your body get rid of toxins and lose weight. But their also seems to be this one negative I keep hearing which is that it can potentially mess with women's hormone balances. Because of that I've chosen not to try it out. All the research on it is fascinating.
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