Do you ever freeze your grapes?


5 Jan 2014
Local time
2:49 AM
Do you ever freeze your grapes? When I am craving a sweet treat on a hot summer day, I like to put some grapes in the freezer. They are refreshing, cool and tasty! I love that they are a low calorie treat!
Here's how I do it:
I rinse the grapes off and bag them. I use a freezer safe bag and make sure it is sealed completely. I then allow the grapes to freeze overnight. That's it!
I read about eating frozen grapes in a forum. I tried it and it was delicious. A very nice treat.
Do you let them "melt" a bit before or do you just eat them straight out of the freezer. I haven't tried it but in my mind that leads to an image of eating ice. :D
I just rinse my grapes in very cold water, as long as the grapes are good enough quality they will still be refreshing!
I do allow them to thaw lightly before I eat them, but I like the crunch that the ice gives the grapes. It is really cold and refreshing, especially on a hot summer day.
Never tried it... yet.

I, too, keep hearing about it online. I just keep forgetting to do it and when I actually remember - grapes are out of season, a bit sour, and too expensive. Hopefully this summer I'll try. And I'll also try to use this method to help me make some of my smoothie recipes. Frozen grapes would be the perfect ice substitute, me thinks.
I would freeze grapes when I was on a diet. Instead of eating an ice cream dessert or a popsicle I would get some frozen grapes. They really helped me with my sweets cravings. I would have a whole bag in the freezer and they are good for smoothie making too.
I have never thought about freezing grapes. Thanks for this tips. I bet it'll work for other fruits as well on a hot day.
Yes! I use to do this all the time. They taste so much sweeter and the texture is really nice. It is quite profound what the freezing process does to grapes. I like them fresh as well though. But it tastes a lot more decadent frozen.
I never thought to try this!! They must taste awesome like that. Someone taught me to freeze fruits inside a water container so it became a Popsicle, but I never tried that. I'm used to freezing fruits only to make natural fruit juice later on, but I never actually eaten them. I was told freezing bananas is great as well. I definitely should try those, because where I live is really hot right now and I could use the refreshment!
I do not have the idea of freezing grapes just right now. And from all your posts it sounds interesting and refreshing especially on a hot summer day. I will try this one and I am sure its delicious!
No, I don't, but I do this with blueberries and strawberries, too. I don't freeze them all the way, but just far enough that they're kind of crunchy/crispy to bite into and are refreshingly cold! I love having fresh fruit from the freezer.
Once while on vacation they were handing out frozen grapes by the poolside. I thought this was really weird at first, but it turned out to be quite nice and refreshing! I don't do it myself, though.
I was just reading an article about freezing grapes tonight and thought I would share this....

Frozen grapes are apparently great for quickly cooling down wine without losing flavor. So if you go for a picnic, for example, take frozen grapes, too, and it'll gently chill your wine if it gets too warm!
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