Do you have any Cooking or Food Related Christmas Presents on your wish list?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
5:13 AM
SE Australia
As per the title really.

I have been asked what I want for Christmas and my birthday. I couldn't initially come up with anything until I realised I have been putting together a cookbook list of those I want. And suddenly it occurred to me. How dense can I be? I have this list and people are asking...

So on my list for this relating to cooking or food are the following books...

the-easy-vegetarian-kitchen.jpg plenty.jpg minimalist-baker-s-everyday-cooking.jpg the oh she glows cookbook .jpg the middle eastern vegetarian cookbook .jpg pure and beautiful vegan coming .jpg

Ok. It's not the longest list in the world and i know that there is another that should be in there. I must track it down. But it's a start.

So do you have any on Cooking or food related Christmas requests?
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This will seems contentious, but I can't stand anything about Oh She Glows - from the pretentious smug title of her blog to the really rather ghastly 'super healthy' recipes. I also think think she has an unhealthy obsession with avocados and chia. And, of course, that culinary abomination called a 'smoothie' :laugh:
Its very possible that the avocados are much fresher and presumably home grown? You are lucky as Australia has so much varied home grown fruit and veg. I think they import much much less than the UK.
avocados are much fresher
yes I think they are, plus they are just creamier and generally riper. They are picked at a much riper stage.

presumably home grown
err, no. unless you mean Australian grown? In which case yes.

Yes - you do. Australia grows so much and a touch comes from NZ, but they place so much emphasis on "Australian grown" or "Australian Made" and the prices of those products reflect that as well. They are much cheaper. At the moment, decent sized (and I do mean larger than the UK and these are only medium sized ones at the moment) avocado are 2 for $3 which is nothing really... I think the exchange rate is around £1 to $1.60 at the moment, so that is roughly £1.80 for 2 larger, fleshier, creamier Hass avocado. We get around 4 a week and I use them instead of butter for my sandwiches. It is the latest craze here and not just in vegan restaurants but everywhere. Mashed avocado on toast for breakfast, lunch and well everything. Somewhere big recently tried taking it off their menu and it was a disaster. It had to be quickly re-instated.... Anyhow OT.... so I'm get back to dreaming of Christmas on the beach, which is what it is going to be, a dream Broken ribs (which should have had enough time by then but), travel, bad back and camping on a beach don't mix. But I can consider it at the very least!
yes I think they are, plus they are just creamier and generally riper. They are picked at a much riper stage.

err, no. unless you mean Australian grown? In which case yes.

Yes, I meant Australian grown!. Of course I did! You haven't had time to grow them on your plot.

Australia grows so much and a touch comes from NZ, but they place so much emphasis on "Australian grown" or "Australian Made" and the prices of those products reflect that as well. They are much cheaper. At the moment, decent sized (and I do mean larger than the UK and these are only medium sized ones at the moment) avocado are 2 for $3 which is nothing really... I think the exchange rate is around £1 to $1.60 at the moment, so that is roughly £1.80 for 2 larger, fleshier, creamier Hass avocado. We get around 4 a week and I use them instead of butter for my sandwiches. It is the latest craze here and not just in vegan restaurants but everywhere. Mashed avocado on toast for breakfast, lunch and well everything. Somewhere big recently tried taking it off their menu and it was a disaster. It had to be quickly re-instated.... Anyhow OT.... so I'm get back to dreaming of Christmas on the beach, which is what it is going to be, a dream Broken ribs (which should have had enough time by then but), travel, bad back and camping on a beach don't mix. But I can consider it at the very least!

Avocados have become a big fad. There are so many 'healthy' food blogs which feature them! I'm not a great fan. They are very calorific and also fatty tasting (to me). But I know that most people love them. For me, they don't work unless cut with sharp, tangy and sometimes, spicy hot tastes. Then their silky seductive nature comes to the fore.

Regarding the Beach Christmas (yey!), I really can't see why not. Ribs heal in a few months - and you have a few months. And you need not camp. Just have a picnic. How far is it to the beach, anyway?
Yes, I meant Australian grown!. Of course I did! You haven't had time to grow them on your plot.

Avocados have become a big fad. There are so many 'healthy' food blogs which feature them! I'm not a great fan. They are very calorific and also fatty tasting (to me). But I know that most people love them. For me, they don't work unless cut with sharp, tangy and sometimes, spicy hot tastes. Then their silky seductive nature comes to the fore.

Regarding the Beach Christmas (yey!), I really can't see why not. Ribs heal in a few months - and you have a few months. And you need not camp. Just have a picnic. How far is it to the beach, anyway?
Waving, jumping up and down, over here do you see me. I don't like avocados either. Most people like taking me out for Mexican food because they will get my share of Guacamole.
Waving, jumping up and down, over here do you see me. I don't like avocados either. Most people like taking me out for Mexican food because they will get my share of Guacamole.
I have an anti-avocado amigo! :laugh::laugh::laugh: I can see you waving and jumping across the pond!
They are very calorific
they are not that calorific. a 50g serving has only 90 calories in it. That is apparently 1/4 of an avocado, but I find it is more than that, closer to 1/3. They are full of goodness...

50g of avocado has just 6g fat (equiv 1tsp of oil)
• 10mg Vitamin C (25% RDI for Vitamin C)
• 1mg Vitamin E (10% of RDI for Vitamin E)
• 0.13mg of copper (10% of an adult’s RDI)
• 71mg GAE of total phenolic antioxidants
  • 3g fibre (11% of RDI for adults)
  • 60mg folate (30% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for folate)
  • Naturally low in sodium just 1.5mg per 50g serve
  • Source of potassium (6% RDI)
  • 18g of the beneficial monounsaturated fat
  • A source of Vitamin K... (10% RDI)

But I suspect I am boring you. I like them. I find them useful being allergic to butter. Oil on bread is simply not the same. Avocado on bread works much better. I hate bananas. I loath them. I can't stand them, They actually make me feel sick just the smell of them. so each to their own.

For those interested in what that 50g serving of 80 calories provides (think of it this way, an entire avocado (roughly 150g without the stone) has around the same number of calories as a mars bar or a serving of crisps and is far, far better for you)), I have attached a file which gives the rest of the vitamins and minerals found in avocados!


:D Mine is warming up in the sun ready for lunch soon.

Off to make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies now. (I think... either that or sit in the sun doing nothing (aka trying and failing ot update my blog))
I like avocados but it's so hard getting it just ripe ... too early and they are a bit tasteless, too late and they go brown and discoloured.
I could probably do with oven gloves that reach my elbows! I have yet another bad burn from the oven, entirely my own fault-clumsy
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