Do you make "street food" at home?


25 Aug 2019
Local time
3:40 AM
I love street food, and I am apparently not alone. I love Mexican street tacos, and always grab hot dog from a street cart when In NYC. But, I also make them at home, because it is cheap, easy and I can eat in the comfort of home.

I make NYC cart-style hot dogs, AKA "dirty water dogs," but not for a bad reason. The dogs are steamed, which leaves behind a steamer pan of "dirty" looking water. I use Nathan's hot dogs from NYC, steamed, nd topped with sauerkraut and yellow mustard -- classic. I would love to do some Chicago dogs, but I can't get Vienna Beef dogs, or the nuclear-green relish... or sport peppers.

NYC street style dogs (Cream Soda to wash it down)...


As for street tacos, I make them all the time. Authentic street tacos use corn tortillas, which need to be used fresh off the griddle, or they break apart when you eat your tacos. So, I use flour tortillas about 80-percent of the time. It is not a preference, it's just more practical unless you make your own fresh corn tortillas.

Beef street tacos on corn tortillas...

So, do you make street food at home? If so, what do you make?

I make Chicago dogs every so often. I posted them on here a while ago. I have some of the neon green relish and sport peppers in my fridge. I'll check the websites tomorrow and see if I can find a store in your area.
We make "street" food once in a while. We've (or rather I) made fresh corn tortillas and truthfully I prefer them over the store bought ones. We've even done the chili in a Frito bag before, though it's been a long time. I used to make that a lot for me and DD before Craig came into our lives because she loved it! And it was easy for me after work since I could make the chili ahead. We make dogs too every so often, sometimes in a bun and sometimes corny.
I love hot dogs and occasionally indulge, usually when G is out of town. We both like nachos. G will toss nacho strips on a plate with shredded cheddar and jalapenos and heat in the microwave. I like them loaded with cheddar, cooked ground meat, jalapenos, more cheddar, heated in the oven and finished with sour cream and avocado.

We don't have street vendors. There are numerous food trucks. A couple of them serve original and tasty wraps. When G starts rummaging around for a snack I like to make lettuce wraps.

When I was in high school and for a decade after there was a Tamale Cart downtown. Folse's Hot Tamales. The BEST tamales ever! Lots of perfectly seasoned meat and just enough Masa to hold it together. All wrapped in corn husks. The cart is long gone but Mr. Folse's daughter still makes tamales on Thursdays. Order ahead and pick up.

Chili Frito (chili pie) - Yum! especially with cheddar.

A few weeks ago we made fresh venison/pork sausage. I like to grill it and eat it on a bun. The sausage casing does not have the snap of a hot dog casing.

Since then G came home with another deer. G packaged it and put in the freezer. Just yesterday I researched making home made venison hot dogs. The recipes all sound daunting because of the emulsification process.
Yes, occasionally.

I really like La Socca which are gram flour pancakes and often make them (French). I've also made quite a bit of Indian street food from onion bharji to fermented rice pancakes and other dosa, and a number of Afghan street food dishes that I know what they are but can't remember their property names without finding a certain cookbook of mine. There are various street foods that I make that are from the stans or middle east.

However, a lot of these dishes, most in fact use considerably more oil than I currently eat on my diet (still got 6kg to go) so they are off the menu say present.
Chili Fritos (chili pie) - Yum! especially with cheddar.

Ah, Fritos Pie. Served at every high school football game when I was that age. I need to make some and take a picture to post up on the forum. I need to serve it in the Fritos bag to represent its real heritage.

Ah, Fritos Pie. Served at every high school football game when I was that age. I need to make some and take a picture to post up on the forum. I need to serve it in the Fritos bag to represent its real heritage.

Here, those are common county fair food and are called walking tacos.
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