Do you still drink milk?


2 Aug 2015
Local time
10:57 AM
Virginia, USA
With all of the milk varieties that are now available, do you still drink regular cow's milk? I do, as I love milk, and since my grandfather had a dairy farm, I feel a kinship with farmers and is another reason I drink cow's milk. What about you? Is it cow's milk or something else?
I don't like mil. I know it's good for health and I should drink it but still I don't. I only drink milk when I am ill. Sometimes during Summers, I drink cold flavored milk.
The only time I drink milk is when I add it to my tea, coffee, Milo or other chocolate drink, as well as in my cereal. I do not usually drink a whole glass of milk on its own. I used to drink cow's milk and even goat's milk as a child, but I did not like the flavour of either one of them. Most of the milk on our supermarket shelves is pasteurized milk, not pure cow's milk or pure goat's milk. I always use evaporated milk in my tea and cereal.
I used to live off milk drinking 2-3 points a day easily. I assumed that it is responsible for the sound bone structure I have today. However +20 years ago, I had many months of repeated bouts of bronchitis and chest infections and by the time I could return to eating dairy products I was unable to drink cow's milk. My first attempt (I never guessed there would be a problem) put me in a&e with a major asthma attack and breathing issues. After that I was goat's milk only which I was ok with for around 15 years then health problems ruled that out and I was no dairy milk at all but certain brands of cheese (only certain ones though) I was ok with in small quantities until around 4 years ago. Since then I have had to be totally dairy free, even small amounts cause breathing problems, shortness of breath, constant coughing and asthma like symptoms which take hours to clear. So now I'm totally dairy free and miss milk a lot tbh.
Yes !! Love it - real cows milk, the genuine stuff and not some pretend whitish cack squeezed from a nut [or anything else].
Still each to their own I suppose.
Most of the milk on our supermarket shelves is pasteurized milk, not pure cow's milk or pure goat's milk
Not sure why pasteurization should make milk any less pure - it is simply a heating process
I don't drink milk all that often. I have it in my coffee and on cereal but that is about it. Every now and then I carve a glass of cold milk but it is not too often. I do enjoy chocolate milk every now and then.
I grew up with lots of cow milk around me. I also remember trying to get in on the action of 'milking the cow' but was never allowed to get too involved as it was fun for me and work for my older brothers and sisters. I don't remember drinking much then and have not had cow's milk for a very, very long time.
I only drink milk on occasion and it is almost always 1% milk. As a child, I could drink milk with any meal, but now I only like it with something sweet or in my cereal. Sometimes I will mix up a protein shake for breakfast and that always has a little bit of 1% milk in it too.
I stopped drinking milk when I was in high school because it is understandable that children dislike the taste of milk. But when I was past 30, a doctor told me that women are prone to lack of calcium so the bones may become brittle or weak. That scared me, of course. And the advice is to drink milk for calcium replenishment. Now I am regularly drinking milk, about 2 or 3 times a week for my calcium allowance. My sister who is a nurse is also happy that I always buy cartons of fresh milk.
Like others noted, I have it in cereal or coffee. I don't just drink a glass of milk very often. I sometimes have a few sips when I need a little something but don't feel like eating. Sometimes, I like a glass with certain foods (and especially with desserts if I'm not having coffee).

I did learn about a "home remedy" recently that included milk. You warm up a cup of milk and add cinnamon to settle your stomach. Cinnamon doesn't really mix in, so you have to keep stirring it up while drinking it, but it really does make your stomach feel better.
I can't stand the taste of milk and can't sit down and drink a glass plain. I have to add chocolate powder or coffee flavored powder to it in order to drink it. I tend to get my dairy servings by other means like eating cheese or yogurt. I have been trying to increase my dairy intake even more as I am worried that I will not have strong bone structure when I get older.
Yes I still drink milk. I drank it every day with every meal growing up. I find now I will drink milk more with dessert as I drink water more. When I was pregnant with my first I drank 2 cups of chocolate milk every morning. I must have needed the calcium. My kids are big drinkers of milk so I buy 8L of milk every week. I feel like it is one way to get enough dairy in my diet in addition to yogurt and cheese.
When I was a kid I used to drink it from a local farmer who happen to grow her own cows, I could see them by the window of bedroom, these day though I don't trust anything industry put on your milk, plus I was never stealing the milk from the cow's babies as it is what happens with industrial milk
I don't like mil. I know it's good for health and I should drink it but still I don't. I only drink milk when I am ill. Sometimes during Summers, I drink cold flavored milk.

My feelings about milk are very much the same. I love chocolate or strawberry milk in the summer time. :)
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