Do you use anchovies in your salad?


5 Jan 2014
Local time
7:18 PM
I absolutely love caesar salads! They are so delicious and definitely one of my favorite kinds of salads. Sometimes I add boiled, or grilled chicken to my caesar salads and it really gives it an extra flavor. I also like to add chopped onions.
The recipe I usually use to make caesar salads calls for anchovies. I just can't seem to bring myself to add them. They sound so disguesting to me! I know I've had them before, and I don't mind them when they are prepared by someone esle, but I can't seem to prepare them myself. Is it just mind over matter?
Do you use anchobies in your caesar salads?
I very seldom make Caesar salad from scratch, and I almost never have anchovies on hand. I don't recall ever using them in a home made salad dressing, though I'm not entirely opposed to it. You can buy it as a paste instead, if you don't like looking at the little fish filets.

I know a lot of people swear that you cannot taste the fishiness of them once you add them to a recipe, but I always can - especially when they are on pizzas, but also when they are used in small amounts in other dishes. It's not even so much the flavor that I have a problem with, but rather, how salty they are. You really need to be careful when using them in recipes that are already salty, because they can push them way over the top and make them inedible.
No, I don't add anchovies to my Caesar Salad. I have never even purchased anchovies. Before ordering a Caesar Salad at a restaurant, I always ask about anchovies. If the salad has them, I just pass.

I have read that anchovies are really good for you. They are supposed to be a great source of protein, calcium and iron, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat them even before I gave up meat and fish.
I don't add anchovies to my Caesar Salad. I find them way too salty for my taste. I do know that some of the Salad Dressings in restaurants have them incorporated in the dressing and I have used them but never order a Caesar with anchovies added.
We don't add anchovies in making any kind of vegetable salad knowing that it might have a different taste and the fact it is one food that raise the uric acid in our body. We actually do not eat this ever since we value our health already.
I've actually never tried anchovies before. Which is weird because I love fish and seafood in general. I've had sardines before which I think is similar to anchovies though, and those are pretty tasty in my opinion. Never tried them in a salad before, but it sounds like a good idea!:)
The original Cardini recipe didn't use anchovies. The slight anchovy taste was apparently down to the Worcestershire sauce used in the dressing.
Nope, I'd never use anchovies in a salad. I'm really not a big friend of fish (except salmon and tuna) so I'm fairly certain they would ruin it for me. I do like to use chicken in my salads though, especially if I'm making a salad that is a full meal.
I can not stand anchovies so anytime I'm aware a food that has them in it, I either pick out, do not add them or order my food without them. I don't like the after taste.
I used to be anti-anchovy for absolutely no reason, I had never even tried them. I tried one a few years ago and absolutely love it. The saltiness was just right--I am a salt person---and as weird as it sounds I really like the texture. I don't use anchovies that often but I do put them in salads and I have even found a few sauce recipes that call for anchovies as an ingredient.
Anchovies should not be used if anyone who is going to be eating the salad does not like them.

I might add them for myself. I never add salt to salads so the saltiness of the fish would be noticeable to me but I can eat anchovies occasionally.
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