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Do You Use Your Phone/Tablet/Laptop In The Kitchen?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
11:30 AM
Ohio, US
I use my phone in the kitchen quite a bit, either to cook from a recipe that I've found or to use as a reference to look up a last-minute substitution or measurement conversion.

One of my relatives has gone as far as to install a little iPad holder that swings out from the wall and can be adjusted in a hundred different positions, and she uses Siri a lot to look things up, so she doesn't get kitchen mess on her iPad.

I'm not so sophisticated; I just prop my phone up on top of something nearby, temporarily turn the auto-lock off, and have at it.

What about you? Is your phone indispensable while cooking, or do you prefer to leave it alone?
I use my phone in the kitchen to take photos. :) I don't use it for anything else in the kitchen. All the 'looking up' is what I term 'research' for recipe development and happens way ahead of cooking anything. Mainly I use a MacBook Pro to research but if its a quick reference to something, I occasionally use the phone.
My laptop is in the kitchen anyway, I had to move it here when my spouse appropriated my desk in the other room. So I use it sometimes to look at a recipe that I'm making. i do quite a lot of watching you tube videos about cooking as well. I don't usually use my phone, I just put it down and switch to the laptop.
Si I have laptop in kitchen all time but only to play music when I cook from YouTube. We have speakers in ceiling. Most recipe I have hand wrote by me over years and many from mama. I always have mobile phone with me in case Ray need talk with me or Bambini, Maria always ask how I make this or make that it good phone Huawei but camera no so great.

Sarana x
Photos and texts only. I research beforehand on my desktop, and if I'm baking I use a recipe that I've already written down. I rarely use a recipe for anything else.
I have always kept my recipes in notebooks. Having them for years and in the kitchen right where I am cooking they have suffered. I have a small Acer computer that I started putting them on. I really like that I can arrange them alphabetically.
I also found some recipes I had not been able to find or forgot about. Win-Win
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