Do you wash your hands before, during & after prep & cooking?

As I had said in my previous post, my husband is a freak when it comes to washing his hands while cooking. His policy is to maintain cleanliness at all times particularly the hands when in the kitchen. However, the elders here say that frequent washing of the hands tend to develop involuntary spasm, i.e. the disease where the hands would be shaking for no reason at all. I hope it doesn't run true with my husband because he might stop cooking if he hears of that involuntary spasm.
Yes, yes and yes! I am such an OC that even if I just touch the refrigerator door, I have to wash my hands prior to cutting up ingredients. I cook food for my son so cleanliness is essential.

I also wash my hands the proper way. This was taught to us in school. You have to thoroughly wash with water first then, scrub each finger, palm, then back of the hands up to the wrists. Rinse then close the faucet using your elbow.
I am constantly washing my hands the whole time I am preparing a meal. I wash them before I start, several times through, depending the foods I am in contact with and after. It is so important to have good hygiene when you are preparing food, not only for you but for others.
I do wash my hands before and after preparing any food. It is only once that I do forget washing my hands whenever am eating fruits. But it is also recommended that we should wash all fruits before eating them. That is when we will be safe from diseases.
TBH if the food is going to be cooked then apart from a basic wash to remove simple grime then why - if it is cooked it is cooked and there's an end to it - if you accept that you aren't going to cook it properly then you will end up with some sort of problems sooner or later anyhow. I'm afraid I tend to be one of those who believe no germs = no immune system and other than basic common sense I can't see much point in going 'overboard' as if you live in a sterile bubble eventually something will get in.
I wash my hands really thoroughly with soap and water before I start preparing, after touching raw vegetables and meat, if they're extremely greasy, and after finishing cooking. Other than that, if all I have on them is flour, or sugar (usually, as I prefer baking sweet treats), I'll just rinse them with water.

I'm not obsessively clean while cooking, I touch oven, fridge and door handles without washing my hands afterwards. :ohmy: Like @sidevalve said, the germs will get cooked. Usually at 180 degrees Celsius in the oven. But when making foods that aren't going to be heated, that's when I will wash my hands every few minutes.
I always wash my hands before cooking, as well as wiping down the counters. I have cats, and even thought they don't (usually) get up on the kitchen counters, fur does blow around occasionally, and I wouldn't want it to get in or on any food products. If my hands get greasy during preparation, I wash them. I don't like the feeling of slick things on my hand is the reason for that, more than concern over germs. Like @sidevalve I believe too sterile of an environment isn't healthy, but I do wash my hands before and after touching raw meat.
Just a further thought - millions of people go camping / trekking and manage to survive quite well as do many who visit food outlets on holiday in less strict environments [to be kind] and even more can happily eat raw fruit and vegetables straight from the tree / ground with no mare than a rinse [if that], plus don't forget that the chief flavouring in many cheeses is --- mould.
Just a further thought - millions of people go camping / trekking and manage to survive quite well as do many who visit food outlets on holiday in less strict environments [to be kind] and even more can happily eat raw fruit and vegetables straight from the tree / ground with no mare than a rinse [if that], plus don't forget that the chief flavouring in many cheeses is --- mould.

And then some people use 99.9% germ killing sprays absolutely everywhere... Bacteria multiply exponentially, so that 0.01% will be able to grow back to the original colony size quite quickly and could be resistant to that spray in the future.

Some level of food hygiene is definitely necessary though. I'm just saying that we should find a middle ground between letting mould and bacteria propagate freely in food and using Dettol on every smooth surface in the kitchen.
It is just important that we also had a good hygiene for our hands like what we are doing in other parts of our body. Our hands is the carrier of some organisms that can cause the spread of some diseases. That is why it is very important that we will be washing our hands properly all the time especially when it comes to handling of foods. I may say that I wash many times my hands before, during and after cooking foods. I knew everybody is very meticulous when it comes to this matter not only for personal hygiene but for also for food safety.
I always wash my hands two times and wiped it properly with clean towel to keep it germs free. Many unseen bacteria leave in our hand and we touch so many things during they cooking so it is necessary to wash your hands for good health.
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