Does Anyone Have An Electrolyte Replacement Drink Recipe?

Diane Lane

24 Apr 2015
Local time
1:54 AM
Texas, United States
Electrolyte replacement beverages can be pretty expensive, and I don't necessarily want all of the artificial additives, such as a lot of sugar. I definitely don't want to use artificial sweeteners. I'd rather keep it as natural as possible.

I've seen several recipes online, but I don't have a lot of money to waste trying out different ones, so I thought I'd ask here, and see if anyone has actually made the product in the past, and would recommend a particular recipe.
I have one or two tucked away.

What is it for? Rehydration due to illness, too much sun or from exercise?

Yes, Yes, and Yes. I have chronic dehydration from ongoing health issues, so would like to have a recipe so I can make something here at home, rather than running out to buy the replacements every time I need them. It doesn't take much to set it off, especially during the hot Texas Summers.
One of the standard ones with cycling is not very scientific: it is 50:50 fresh orange juice: water with a pinch of salt and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda.
straight coconut water is really good if you have a cheap supply of it!

These 2 sites's recipes both rely on coconut water and with a touch of salt, sugar and flavouring... both are pretty much similar.

If you like milk, don't forget that. Semi or skimmed milk is one of the best for recovery after exercise. If you need to add chocolate to it, do so, but straight up is best.

The standard but less than pleasant emergency rehydration 'drink' is this (it is better with some flavour in it ime - so something like 1-2 lemon helps.
  • 1 quart water
  • ½ teaspoon table salt
  • 6 teaspoons sugar
One of the standard ones with cycling is not very scientific: it is 50:50 fresh orange juice: water with a pinch of salt and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda.
straight coconut water is really good if you have a cheap supply of it!

These 2 sites's recipes both rely on coconut water and with a touch of salt, sugar and flavouring... both are pretty much similar.

If you like milk, don't forget that. Semi or skimmed milk is one of the best for recovery after exercise. If you need to add chocolate to it, do so, but straight up is best.

The standard but less than pleasant emergency rehydration 'drink' is this (it is better with some flavour in it ime - so something like 1-2 lemon helps.
  • 1 quart water
  • ½ teaspoon table salt
  • 6 teaspoons sugar

Thanks! In the last one, when it states table salt, do you know if that's iodized salt? That's all I have here, other than some sea salt crystals. I can definitely add some lemon to it, it sounds as if it would need some flavoring for sure!
I know that some health issues can cause your body not to hydrate in different ways i.e. crohns disease can cause sufferers to dehydrate,some times its better to talk to your consultant and express your concerns,
staying hydrated especially in extreme heats and replacing nutrients is very important and should not be coughed at ,i drink a lot of flat coke and pineapple and water ,rarely touch isotonic drinks but my body has no problem hydrating ,in extreme heat i will drink 1 pint every half a hour at work
Thanks! In the last one, when it states table salt, do you know if that's iodized salt? That's all I have here, other than some sea salt crystals. I can definitely add some lemon to it, it sounds as if it would need some flavoring for sure!
Table salt is usually that finely ground stuff. I use sea salt however, I just grind it first in the coffee grinder (same one I grind my spices in) so that the consistency is correct to get roughly the correct level of salt into the water. However, do look at coconut water if you can get it because it has a lot of other important minerals in it and is very good for the body. I often capture the coconut water myself from 'fresh' coconuts and also make my own coconut milk from coconut pulp and water in the same way you would any nut milk.
I can grind mine, as well. It would probably be better than the iodized table salt, in this instance, at least. I don't see many fresh coconuts here, but will keep an eye out for the water. I'll try to remember to look for fresh coconuts when I get to a different grocery store. The local shops seem to keep a limited variety of produce, and stock only the most popular. I had to go all over the place one time when I needed eggplant, but now it seems the local Kroger has begun stocking them. I always mention things like that on the feedback surveys, and they seem to pay attention and make changes based on my replies, so I'll remark about the lack of coconuts, and see what happens.

Coconut milk is,having a revolution in the UK ,I had a can of this yesterday ,from a UK supermarket,on a mid ride break ,and health food shops are stocking different varieties
For emergency situations when I am really in a hurry to prepare my own rehydration drink I just take a pinch of salt and half teaspoon of sugar and dissolve them into a glass of water. The taste is not that pleasant but can be used in case of emergency.
I've never thought about doing this on my own. I usually add EmergenC to my water or drink Gatorade. I work outdoors 8 hours a day now, so I drink everything all day long to stay hydrated, including the occasional soda. I rarely buy orange juice from the grocery anymore, but I used to drink a lot of that. I probably should start putting lemon slices in water to take to work.
Thanks, Everyone! Coconut water and milk are both popular here. I'd never heard of coconut water until a few years ago, and it's become very popular nowadays in the States. @ChanellG EmergenC is a good one, I haven't had it in quite a while, will have to replenish my supply.
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