Does The Media Dictate What You Eat?


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
3:43 PM
Going on from a post seen elsewhere and working on/from personal experience, does food in the news dictate your eating habits?
From Mad Cow Disease to salmonella and avian flu, have any had any direct impact on you?
Its funny isn't it. People will react to an immediate health scare (like Mad Cow Disease or Avian Flu or salmonella) but don't change eating the most dangerous things for their long term health (high fat foods, sugary drinks etc.).
You know what I guess it does. I mean kale and pumpkin spice became a popular trend and I admit to have tried these atleast once. I'm still eating Mcdonald's and other fast food staples too and I've tried Chipotle because of ads and social media. I guess media particularly has taken it's fair share of my money. Even eating organic has become important to me since watching shows that show the side effect of preservatives and GMOs.
The media cannot dictate me to what I am going to eat. Not everything that I am seeing or hearing in the media saying that a certain food good benefits I do not believe it at once. We had our own beliefs and choices when it comes to the food we want to eat and I know what I want and I have my own choice when it comes to buying, cooking and eating foods.
Media has no effect on me. Those tv commercialsl, no matter how interesting they show, will not affect my eating. But the problem are the children. When my nieces and nephews come around and we ask them what snack they want, one would say pizza, another wants a burger and some others prefer noodles - all seen from the tv commercials. So I guess the public in general is affected by media as if those commercials are telling us what to eat.
Yes the media had an influence on my eating. If there are food safety issues or scare definitely we will try to be safe and stay away from those that are reported to be unhealthy or not safe to take. On the other hand some food fads that are intended to help us switch to a "healthy" diet also have an influence on what I put on my grocery items
I guess it would depend on where these things were happening. If they affects the animals in places where I purchase meat from then yes it would dictate what foods I am going to eat. If it wasn't in my area then I really wouldn't worry too much about it.
I don't think the media dictates my choices when I look at the bigger picture( thinking). I still can't see myself not washing my chicken. I don't know what they'll have to put out there to affect me for the long term.......I am thinking that in subtle ways it just might on some occasions. I just noticed someone spoke about Kale and recently kale has become a big thing here because of all the media hype and I actually went out and bought some. A similar thing happened with tumeric. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't...Half and half.
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