Don't toss those over ripe bananas - banana bread

21 Oct 2014
Local time
7:53 PM
It has happened to me several times. My mom sends me bananas from her produce and before I know it they are getting ripe too quickly for me to eat them all. I would salvage some for a smoothie but invariably I would end up tossing some away.:(

Not anymore. I have made a decision not to ever throw out another overly ripe banana. Only two days ago I made my first bread from scratch and it was a Banana bread using my ripe bananas.

So next time before you toss them, think of how to use them to create something yummy.
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I don't think I have ever in my life thrown away a banana. However, I try not to throw anything away regardless of condition. If there's a use for it I will find it.

Side note for the bread: Toss a handful of cacao nibs in there. Great for texture & flavour.
I agree there is no reason to ever throw out a ripe banana. I use mine in bread, muffins, and smoothies. When I make my bread or muffins I add oatmeal to give the mix more fiber.
I always make banana bread with left over bananas too. If I have a lot, I often end up making two loaves and putting one in the freezer. Waste not, want not!
I always over buy bananas just so that some of them will get over ripe. Banana bread is one of our favorite treats in my house and I try to always have at least one loaf in the freezer. Try adding some chocolate chips to your next loaf if you have not already, it is sinfully good!
I always over buy bananas just so that some of them will get over ripe. Banana bread is one of our favorite treats in my house and I try to always have at least one loaf in the freezer. Try adding some chocolate chips to your next loaf if you have not already, it is sinfully good!

It's clear I am preaching to all the converted. I guess before I was I was in the baking arena I did not realize all the options that were available to me or at least was not paying enough attention. I am planning on experimenting every chance I get. The banana bread was my first attempt of a bread from scratch from as far back as I can remember. I was so good I can't wait to try another. I'll consider the chocolate chip idea.
Soft bananas go into a cake or muffin at home,though to much bananas make the texture tight and dense
Yes, banana bread is one of my favorite delicacies. It is light sweet and one can even add raisins to enhance the flavor.

Whenever we buy bananas, we try to buy them at a stage when they are fairly firm so that we do not end up with a bunch of overripe bananas on our hand. While it is true that overripe bananas are okay for making banana bread, I would not use them when they are extremely overripe. At that stage I would consider them good for nothing and they would usually get tossed out. So we need to catch them at the right stage for making banana bread.
Soft bananas go into a cake or muffin at home,though to much bananas make the texture tight and dense

Thank you for this Bertie. I was wondering about that. In my case I salvaged two that were small to be honest and figured if I go too big the next time something might be altered. I am glad you threw in that little tip.
It has happened to me several times. My mom sends me bananas from her produce and before I know it they are getting ripe too quickly for me to eat them all. I would salvage some for a smoothie but invariably I would end up tossing some away.:(

Not anymore. I have made a decision not to ever throw out another overly ripe banana. Only two days ago I make my first bread from scratch and it was a Banana bread using my ripe bananas.

So next time before you toss them, think of how to use them to create something yummy.
And plus there healthier for you when there nice and ripe. They have more potassium, I eat bananas a lot. We'll get a 40 lb box for the week. We freeze them when they get ripe and make ice cream. We'll add some strawberries or other fruit, and it's sweet enough, no need to add any sugar.
So I made me a banana bread on Friday. I had been waiting for those overly ripe bananas from my mom and she eventually sent me much more than I could use. Sadly, this time around the bread was not the hit it was on my first showing. While it was not a miss, it was much dryer than all of us would have liked. I actually used a different recipe and what's more the recipe asked that I add the ingredients in a different order. Without researching it, I am here to ask if that could have contributed to the different texture. I am thinking all sorts of things. The science of baking often confuses me.
I have always loved banana bread, especially with walnuts in it as a kid, banana nut bread was the only way I liked nuts. I still love out family recipe for banana nut bread. It made such amazing little sandwiches with s bit of cream cheese. I can't eat like that anymore, but I sure loved it back then.
Just finished a pecan and banana loaf cake , made from over ripe bananas :okay:

So aren't you going to share that recipe? I would not mind giving it a go. I have some almonds halves I want to add to my next bread or preferably loaf attempt.

If you have a largish quantity they make an excellent wine too.

Sounds good. When my mom has a good crop of bananas too many get thrown out. The more the merriment. The wine matter would be new ground for me though.
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