Dressing up Ramen Noodles


25 Sep 2014
Local time
11:31 AM
These days, people are always looking for ways to save money, and one of those ways seems to be incorporating Ramen Noodles into the weekly menu. I'm not a big fan, but yeah, they are cheap. They are a good "hack" for college students and such.

What tips and tricks do you have for dressing up Ramen Noodles (if any)?
Can you clarify what you mean by Ramen noodles? Here in UK Ramen refers to a Japanese noodle soup. But when I look Ramen up, there are several references to 'instant noodles' and I'm thinking that may be what you are referring to. In UK they are known as Pot Noodles and come in plastic pots to which you add boiling water and then eat straight out of the pot. They come with lots of different flavoured sauces. But I suppose you must be referring to noodles which are unflavoured?
I love the freshly-made Ramen noodles those that are made using buckwheat. They do not need anything else as the raw materials used already has their own flavor. A simple soy sauce is enough. I do love adding some vegetables in season, I cut them up thinly and add them to the bowl
I use them in a stir fry. Just stir fry your veggies as usual and they throw in the noodles.
I don't use the flavor packages because I find them too salty.
These days, people are always looking for ways to save money, and one of those ways seems to be incorporating Ramen Noodles into the weekly menu. I'm not a big fan, but yeah, they are cheap. They are a good "hack" for college students and such.

What tips and tricks do you have for dressing up Ramen Noodles (if any)?

I honestly have no tips or tricks and I want the product to be banned as my son seems content to let that be the only thing he'll cook if he's in need of a quick meal. Seriously though, I never really eat it but if I stumble on ways to dress it up, I'll be back to help you out. My son says I am missing out on a great meal.
I boil the noodles and then add the seasoning packet to the water. Then add some fresh veggies and left over chicken to the mix. To finish off my creation I give the soup a generous squirting of Sriracha sauce...I love the burn!
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I use them in a stir fry. Just stir fry your veggies as usual and they throw in the noodles.
I don't use the flavor packages because I find them too salty.

This doesn't sound half bad. I agree. The seasoning packet is too salty.

@morning glory Yes, I'm talking about those instant noodle things. They seem to be all the rage these days, although I'm not much of a fan, personally. They either come in a wrapper or in a plastic container (like the pot you mentioned where you cook there right in their own packaging).

@Bakemehappy I could maybe learn to like fresh ones, since other fresh pasta or noodles are quite good. I didn't know this was a thing.

Well, you like a real kick with yours, @Rosyrain? The veggies and chicken could work, but I might pass on the hotness.

II honestly have no tips or tricks and I want the product to be banned as my son seems content to let that be the only thing he'll cook if he's in need of a quick meal. Seriously though, I never really eat it but if I stumble on ways to dress it up, I'll be back to help you out. My son says I am missing out on a great meal.

Haha, I don't think they are getting "banned" any time soon, my friend. Too many people like them. Lots of young people like them because they are so cheap, quick, and easy.
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Oh yeah I was living independently in college so I definitely agree. One of my ramen hacks was to buy all the cheap vegetables and meat from the market, along with an egg that I soft-boiled. I would by S&P, leeks and chicken or beef broth to add with the flavor. A little soy sauce is great too. You have to choose to make healthier meals on a budget so get as much vegetables as you can. The more colorful the better!
Ramen noodles is a type of buckwheat noodle ,
Great cooked in a flavoured stock like vegetable,chicken or fish scented to your taste,spring onions,chilli,fresh ginger,lime,lemon grass light soy fish sauces,basil,takes prawns well duck and I have had it with chikuwa and at tea stained egg
Haha, I don't think they are getting "banned" any time soon, my friend. Too many people like them. Lots of young people like them because they are so cheap, quick, and easy.
:D:D I know a ban won't be likely. I suspect many more types might become available. It's very popular here as well it seems. I am glad you started the thread so now I can present my son with some variations and hopefully one day he'll decide to experiment with some other quick meals that don't include ramen.
Ramen noodles is a type of buckwheat noodle ,
Great cooked in a flavoured stock like vegetable,chicken or fish scented to your taste,spring onions,chilli,fresh ginger,lime,lemon grass light soy fish sauces,basil,takes prawns well duck and I have had it with chikuwa and at tea stained egg
I don't think this is the type of noodle referred to here. In the US, ramen noodles are similar to our pot noodles!
As @Zyni clarified above:
@morning glory Yes, I'm talking about those instant noodle things. They seem to be all the rage these days, although I'm not much of a fan, personally. They either come in a wrapper or in a plastic container (like the pot you mentioned where you cook there right in their own packaging).

I think the buckwheat kind are much preferable!
I would have to agree that the buckwheat version sounds much more preferable. I'm not a big fan of the other variety, but they just seem to be so darned popular.

I'm glad for all the tips on how to make these noodles into a better meal. I'll have to pass along these ideas to a young person I know, who like Bella's son, could live off of Ramen.
Take a break from the flavor packet for a different, more wholesome taste. Mix in a spoonful of miso paste with your water and your bowl o' noodles will become tastier and healthier — not to mention more authentic.

Honest question: Is there anything an egg doesn't improve? The possibilities for adding some yolk-y goodness to your noodles are great: Toss in a hardboiled egg, mix in some scrambled eggs, or add a raw egg to the pot and allow it to cook in your broth for a couple minutes.

OK so maybe a bowl of noodles isn't the healthiest meal — but a cup of vegetables can fix that. Throw in some frozen peas, carrots, and broccoli two to three minutes before your ramen is done cooking for some extra nutrients.

4. SPRINKLE IN SOY SAUCEIf you like things on the salty side, then soy sauce, or shoyu, is for you. Just a teaspoon adds the perfect amount of salty flavor to a bowl of noodles without overpowering it.

Frozen vegetables are a quick fix for adding in some vitamins, but fresh green onion and bok choy give your ramen a more traditional dose of green, not to mention a satisfying crunch.

Adding in stir-fried tofu or chicken makes a bowl of noodles a bit more substantial, so toss in your favorite protein for long-lasting energy.

You read that right — if you prefer your ramen to be more noodle-based than soup-based, take it off the stove a few minutes before it's finished, drain the broth, and place it in the oven to broil for a minute or two. You'll be left with a perfectly crunchy top layer with deliciously smooth noodles underneath.

Since you can never have too much Sriracha, squirt some on your noodles for a hot change of pace.

A couple minutes in some oil does wonders. Toss your ramen in a wok or lightly oiled pan for a wonderfully carb-filled sauté.

Since ramen is a Japanese dish, try to find some Japanese toppings. Furikake, a seasoning that contains seaweed and sesame seeds, is always a favorite, and kamaboko (cured fish slices), is the perfect choice for the seafood lover in you. Do your research, see what you can find, and enjoy!
It is interesting you post this. I was just looking at a recipe to make a an Asian salad using ramen noodles. Years ago I worked in a school where the majority of the kids were raised in poverty. They would bring ramen noodle dishes to school nearly every day and would flavor them with hot sauce. It does a good job of changing the flavor and cutting down the saltiness. I think the noodles could be used in stir fry's too.
Wow, sky, thanks for all of those ideas and cooking instructions. You know your way around a pack of noodles!

Yes, @kgord, using Ramen in stir fry does sound like a good idea. I might even try that one myself.
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