
RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
12:53 PM

· 4 Hard boiled duck eggs, shelled
· 10 Shallots, chopped
· 6 Garlic cloves, chopped
· 8 Fresh red Thai chilies, chopped
· 1 Stalk lemon grass, sliced
· 3 tsps Cayenne pepper
· 1 tsp Ground turmeric
· 1 tsp Salt
· 2 tsps Lemon juice
· 2 tblsp Olive oil
· 300 gms Condensed tomato soup
· Freshly ground black pepper

egg sambal.jpg


Cut the duck eggs in half and keep aside.

Blend the shallots, chilies, garlic, lemongrass, chili powder, turmeric, lemon juice and salt to a smooth paste. Add a little olive oil to assist blending if required.
[Note: Do not breathe the fumes from the blender]

Heat the olive oil and stir fry the chili mixture for about 15 minutes, adding a little hot water if required. Add the canned soup and a further ½ can of water. Mix well, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Pour the sambal into a serving dish, season with pepper and place in the halved eggs, cut side up. Spoon a little sauce over the eggs.
Looks great,. Not completely convinced about using condensed tomato soup. But I can imagine that the pungency of the spices would dominate. At least, I hope so. You could be in with a good chance here @Yorky!
I've never really bothered about "authenticity". I mess about with recipes until I achieve a dish that I like. Also we have limited access to many ingredients so it's a matter of making the best of what you have (within economical limits - the value of my pension has dropped 20% since Brexit :cry::cry::cry:)
the value of my pension has dropped 20% since Brexit :cry::cry::cry:)
We pulled all but a bit of our savings of our the UK just in time! Now, what is left there will have to stay there. It has almost lost quite a good amount as well. Given that we ate returning to the UK at some point it will be useful there but having most of our savings here is better... There is even this thing called interest here which doesn't start with a zero! :laugh:
There is even this thing called interest here which doesn't start with a zero! :laugh:

My OAP stays in Jersey in Sterling but my company pension is transferred here every month (out of necessity). I did bring a lump of my "stored" OAP over here on the week before Brexit and it is now attracting 1.75% interest. Not much conciliation though.
I've never really bothered about "authenticity". I mess about with recipes until I achieve a dish that I like. Also we have limited access to many ingredients so it's a matter of making the best of what you have (within economical limits - the value of my pension has dropped 20% since Brexit :cry::cry::cry:)
Gosh, I hadn't considered how Brexit would affect pensioners living abroad. I'm surprised there hasn't been a news item covering it.
Unfortunately, it isn't just Brexit. Living in Thailand (or Canada, Australia, etc.) we as OAP's, are not entitled to the "cost of living" increases applied to the pensions of those living in UK and certain other countries (Philippines for example). I suppose the rise in the retail price index is minimal at present so it's not a great loss (YET).
Yeh, the idea of having to get a new passport try again. Any least my visa is electricr and not in the passport. That's one advantage I suppose!

I remember that I had an electronic visa for Australia about 12 years ago but it was only valid until my passport expired (which it now has).

· 4 Hard boiled duck eggs, shelled
· 10 Shallots, chopped
· 6 Garlic cloves, chopped
· 8 Fresh red Thai chilies, chopped
· 1 Stalk lemon grass, sliced
· 3 tsps Cayenne pepper
· 1 tsp Ground turmeric
· 1 tsp Salt
· 2 tsps Lemon juice
· 2 tblsp Olive oil
· 300 gms Condensed tomato soup
· Freshly ground black pepper

View attachment 3599


Cut the duck eggs in half and keep aside.

Blend the shallots, chilies, garlic, lemongrass, chili powder, turmeric, lemon juice and salt to a smooth paste. Add a little olive oil to assist blending if required.
[Note: Do not breathe the fumes from the blender]

Heat the olive oil and stir fry the chili mixture for about 15 minutes, adding a little hot water if required. Add the canned soup and a further ½ can of water. Mix well, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Pour the sambal into a serving dish, season with pepper and place in the halved eggs, cut side up. Spoon a little sauce over the eggs.
This looks lovely and i am going to try this sometime during the week without the lemon grass and will be using onions instead of shallots
This looks lovely and i am going to try this sometime during the week without the lemon grass and will be using onions instead of shallots

I don't think that the lemon grass flavour is evident in the sambal anyway (given the number of chilis and quantity of cayenne pepper). And onions 'v' shallots - I couldn't detect the difference.

The original recipe was for "sambal udang" (prawns). I amended it for eggs because I was out of prawns.

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