Dumplings, what dishes do you make where they stand out?


1 Dec 2017
Local time
9:19 PM
SE Florida
I'm asking about dumplings that are part of a dish and not stand alone like Dim Sum. There are many, called by different names that are a major stand out in many dishes. Chicken and dumplings, kartoffelklosse, dumplings in stews, etc. What do you love to make that has dumplings?
There is a southern dish called Chicken and Slicks. Slicks are just a type of dumpling. I consider potato gnocchi as dumplings.
How about the Norwegian Raspeballer, a potato dumpling. This whole recipe looks lovely:

There is an article about dumplings here:

Extract re oriental dumplings (dim sum and the like):

In fact, the dumpling has a richer history and a wider reach than the English, with their island mentality, ever imagine. Central European dumplings display at least as much variety as those of the UK. The "dumplings" of Asia are often nothing of the kind, so called by Europeans who sought a name for oriental filled pastas like jiaozi, and landing us with this confusing nomenclature ever since. Those "dumplings" merit their own article, and I'll discuss them another time alongside ravioli, pelmeni and so on, which they resemble more closely.
Suet dumplings. I just love them in a beef stew on a cold winter evening. Although cold winter evenings are not common where I live.

These are just flour and beef suet (3:1), water and a few herbs.

beefstew-l s.jpg
Yes - the easiest thing to make. Do you use Atora suet?

When I could get it I did. There was one Chinese shop in Kuala Lumpur who stocked it. It's difficult to find here.

A friend of mine from the south wouldn't agree that they are easy to make. Gently folding the ingredients rather than mixing them is the key, I think. His always ended up like depth charges.
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