Easiest pineapple chicken


Über Member
14 Mar 2016
Local time
4:04 AM
I used to make this often. It can easily be modified to accommodate those with food issues. I decided to start making this after my hubby and I went out to (American) Chinese and I started craving it with my second pregnancy. Hopefully you all enjoy!!

1 package boneless chicken tenderloin chopped into 1 inch pieces
Coconut or other oil for frying
1 can pineapple chunks in 100% juice or chopped fresh pineapple
1 jar pineapple apricot preserves
Soy sauce

Heat oil in a large skillet until it just starts to smoke.

Place flour, salt and pepper (a couple good shakes of each) into flour, into a gallon sized Ziploc baggie.

Place chicken pieces in bag and shake to coat.
Place flour coated pieces in oil and fry until crispy on the outside and no pink remains on the inside. Remove and drain.
In a large saucepan combine preserves, pineapple, soy sauce, and enough of the pineapple juice to thin sauce down slightly. Cook over medium heat until just before boiling. Add fried chicken pieces. Stir to coat. Enjoy!! This also tastes awesome over rice :)
For those who have celiac disease, crushed rice chex cereal can be used to coat the chicken pieces instead of the flour.
For us diabetics, limit the pineapple, and use sugar free preserves.
That looks simply delish! What could be better than pineapple chicken? I don't know that i have ever seen pineapple apricot preserves though. This dish does look super tasty. I think I probably would just use apricot preverves though. Thanks for sharing.
Your pineapple chicken sounds better than mine. I made pineapple chicken in the slow cooker, it taste better than it looks. The family just looked at it and decided they wanted no parts of it. Your pineapple chicken I am sure they would eat. Thanks for posting.
This sounds really simple to make and quite tasty. I do like pineapple chicken so I know I must try this. I am not sure if you can get pineapple apricot preserves here so I will have to check for that. It shouldn't be a problem though.
Chicken and pineapple combined are a favourite of mine. This sounds like an interesting one. I did not expect the flour and frying when I saw the title. I have two breast ready for the fire right now but I can't even try this now. It would be too much mess as I know I have to rush.
This sounds absolutely delicious! I have never made pineapple chicken, but I am sure my family would enjoy this. I am going to try it soon and hopefully have a new favorite dish for all of us.
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