Easter traditions in your country

3 Jul 2014
Local time
4:49 AM
Apart from the food and the religious ceremonies associated with the Easter season, what are some of the fun things you do at Easter time in your country?

Since it is usually breezy at this time of the year, flying kites is a popular pastime in my country. Young people, especially, like to engage in this pastime. Sometimes we also have kite flying competitions where people try to outdo each other by seeing who could fly the biggest or most original-looking kite.

We also have Easter bonnet parades. Children as well as adults take part in these parades.

Below are pictures of the type of kites flown as well as examples of Easter bonnets.




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We of course use sweets and baskets for the eggs. We also like to paint our eggs and make designs and set them arranged in baskets around like traditions before us. While we hide the fake eggs for kids for hunts. Most people around here attend Easter Mass at Church as well, but I do not usually go myself. It's usually still disgusting around here at that time of year for us to enjoy anything outside, so we generally find activities indoors. I'm in a landlocked region with little activity. (Rural).



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eating chocolate eggs!for me it is the done thing easter sunday as we give up chocolate for lent ,and hot cross buns on easter friday,and the young kids have a easter egg hunt in the church
We have Easter egg hunts here in the UK too. Generally in parks, it's a nice morning out for children.

My favourite part of Easter is the local biker's "Egg Run". Every year, the bikers collect up dozens of chocolate eggs and take them to the children's hospital. They all ride together, in one big parade, and everyone stops to watch them all go past. I love the fact that these big hairy scary guys are as soft as butter underneath!
Well I should also have mentioned the hot cross buns. This is definitely a part of the tradition here and are usually eaten a few days leading up to Good Friday, but especially on Good Friday itself. I have never tried making these, however. I like them because of the gingery taste, and they do not need to have anything added to them. They are tasty just as they are.
American Easter tradition revolves around the Easter egg and egg hunts a lot. The rabbit and yellow chic is also symbolic. People do all kinds of egg decorations. It is not just about painting eggs for kids to hunt on Easter and collect in their Easter baskets. People use egg shells as planets and candle holders to decorate with the them. Here is an example:

Generally, American have nice brunches and meals on Easter and they like to decorate in spring colors for that. Easter food consists of leg of lamb or ham, but people really make all kinds of dishes. Egg related dishes are very popular.


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People use egg shells as planets and candle holders to decorate with the them. Here is an example:

This is a very innovative way of using egg shells. These shells are beautiful. I have never really seen this done in my country. In fact, I cannot remember the last day I bought or ate an Easter egg. I know they are very popular at this time of the year, but somehow I never remember to buy them. I tend to focus more on the hot cross buns.
Turkey is popular at Easter as well. In this house we don't really celebrate Easter, if the weather is good then we will go out for a walk somewhere or spend some time in the garden.
Where I live the most fun thing, and something people don't really have in other countries, is chocolate easter eggs. And not those tiny ones, we have big ones, around 300 or 500 grams, and they come filled with stuff inside. For kids there are special cartoon eggs (like Frozen, Hello Kitty, stuff like that), there is every sort of chocolate available. It is so delicious!
What nice in Easter is that it not just an ordinary Sunday but a something more special. Well in terms of religion it is quite sacred for Christians. For children and kids at heart it is time for Easter egg hunts and eat a lot of chocolate. It is also a time for family to enjoy, come together and celebrate together this once a year event.
In the UK, lamb is the traditional Easter meal, but we always have turkey for some reason. A simnel cake is a traditional desert, but we are not big cake eaters in my family so we don't do this. Of course, chocolate Easter eggs are traditional. They have their origins in Christianity as the egg is both a symbol of new life and of never eternal life. They are also symbolic of the tombstone where Jesus was buried and rose again. On Easter Monday, we go egg rolling with decorated hard boiled eggs.
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