Recipe Easy Peanut Butter roll!


12 Nov 2013
Local time
8:41 PM
Ingredients: Butter (softened), Powdered sugar, peanut butter
Tools: Wax paper, rolling pin, sharp knife/wire cheese cutter,

Directions: Place 1/2 stick of softened margarine/ butter into a mixing bowl. Add 1 cup powdered sugar, kneading into butter. Continue to add powdered sugar in 1 cup increments, kneading thoroughly into butter each time, until butter/powdered sugar mixture becomes a soft dough.

Place a sheet of wax paper onto work surface, and lightly flour with powdered sugar to avoid dough sticking. Lightly dust rolling pin with powdered sugar as well. Place soft dough onto floured wax paper, and use rolling pin to roll out into desired thickness (thinner dough works better, as it will crack less when hardened.

Spread peanut butter over flattened dough to desired thickness. Gripping the sides of the wax paper, begin folding candy into a spiral shape... Simply fold about 1/2 inch of the dough at the end closest to you overtop of itself as if folding an omelette in half, then repeat until you reach the other end of the dough.

Allow to refrigerate for at least 2 hours before cutting. When cutting, do not use a back and forth "sawing" motion; instead, simply cut downward into dough as if slicing through a stick of butter. I use a "cheese wire", as it's thin and minimizes crumbling of candy, but any sharp, thin knife will work.

Enjoy! Easiest PB Roll recipe I've ever seen, and super delicious!
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