Recipe Easy Shrimp Pasta


26 Aug 2020
Local time
11:58 AM
Easy Shrimp Pasta

Serves 4-6 | Preparation 20 - 25 min (+ peeling, deveining and cooking if you use fresh shrimp/thawing and draining if you use frozen shrimp)

1 medium-sized (150 – 190 g) yellow onion​
1 red chili pepper (deseeded)​
4 tablespoons ev olive oil​
6-7 teaspoons ready made or self made unsalted curry mix* (+ 1 teaspoon extra paprika/bell pepper powder, if using ready made curry mix)​
1 teaspoon ginger powder​
1 tablespoon brown sugar​
15-20 ml corn flour (yellow)​
15-20 ml APF/plain flour​
Zest and juice of 1 lemon​
4 teaspoons crushed garlic/canned garlic paste​
600 ml water and 1-2 vegetable broth cubes or 600 ml vegetable broth (+ 50-100 ml water/tomato juice for a thinner sauce)​
300 g (~600 ml) peeled, deveined and precooked shrimp (I thawed 300g frozen, precooked Pacific white shrimps/King prawns; Litopenaeus vannamei, formerly Penaeus vannamei)​
500 g cooked pasta of your choice​
(salt to taste)​
A handful of Parmesan slivers and black pepper on top​
*Curry mix: 0,5 teaspoon turmeric, 0,5 teaspoon cumin/jeera, 1 teaspoon coriander, 0,5 teaspoon yellow mustard powder, 0,5 teaspoon fenugreek, 1,5 teaspoon paprika, 0,5 teaspoon fennel seeds and 1 teaspoon combined white & black pepper and all spice.


If you use fresh shrimp, peel and prepare them and cook in 2 tblsp olive oil on a skillet/frying pan for 2-3 minutes per side on medium heat and put aside.

Grate the lemon, cut the onion and chili into tiny bits and heat 2000 - 2500 ml salted water for the pasta. Fry the onion, chili, curry mix, ginger powder and lemon zest on a skillet/frying pan in olive oil on medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Add the corn flour, plain flour and 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Add the vegetable broth and lemon juice, mix well and let the sauce simmer while the pasta cooks. If you prefer a thinner sauce, add 50 - 100 ml water or tomato juice. Drain the pasta. Take the sauce aside and add the shrimp. Mix the shrimp sauce with the pasta and serve with tomatoes, black pepper and a pinch of Parmesan.

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