Eat it or drink it?


15 Oct 2012
Local time
1:54 AM
Energy 95kJ (23 kcal)
Carbohydrate 3.5g, Fat 0.3g, Protein 0.6g, Carbohydrate Components: Fibre 1.4g
Polysaccharides Non-Cellulosic, Fibre Water-Soluble 0.2g, Water-Insoluble 0.2g ,Organic
0.4g, Starch 0.1g, Sugars: 3.3g: Fructose 2.0g, Glucose 1.3g, Sucrose < 0.1g, Fatty
0.2g: Polyunsaturated < 0.1g, Monounsaturated cis < 0.1g, Saturated < 0.1g, N-3
Polyunsaturated <0.1g, N-6 Polyunsaturated <0.1g, 18:2 Cis,Cis N-6(Linoleic Acid) 83.138mg,
18:3 N-3(Alpha-Linolenic Acid) 7.277mg, Cholesterol(GC) 0.3mg, Sterols 7.4mg, Minerals:
Calcium 9.0mg, Iron 0.3mg, Iodide (iodine) 1.0µg, Potassium 290.0mg, Magnesium
11.0mg, Sodium 2.5mg, Salt 6.4mg, Phosphorus 30.0mg, Selenium 0.2 µg, Zinc 0.2mg,
Nitrogen Components: Tryptophan 9.0mg, Vitamins: Folate(HPLC) 11.6µg, Niacin Equivalents
0.9mg, Niacin, Preformed(Nicotinic Acid + Nicotinamide) 0.7mg, Vitamers Pyridoxine
(Hydrochloride) 0.08mg, Riboflavine 0.04mg, Thiamin 0.06mg. Ascorbic Acid 14.1mg,
Vitamin A Retinol Activity Equivalents 66.8µg, Carotenoids 4106.2µg, Alphatocopherol
0.7mg, Vitamin K 5.00µg
Per 100mg
Personally I'd throw it in the bin. But for the sake of arguement, is it some kind of energy drink?
I do not know what it is but looks like a label to me. Too many preservatives and additives I could not even think which one is the real food. I am not going to drink this.
I do not know what it is but looks like a label to me. Too many preservatives and additives I could not even think which one is the real food. I am not going to drink this.
You would be very surprised if you looked at some other similar quizzes that @classic33 has posted. Most (all?) of them turn out to be entirely natural produce (like an orange or a brussels sprout) and I think you may find this one is too!
You would be very surprised if you looked at some other similar quizzes that @classic33 has posted. Most (all?) of them turn out to be entirely natural produce (like an orange or a brussels sprout) and I think you may find this one is too!
You forgot the ketchup!
I do not know what it is but looks like a label to me. Too many preservatives and additives I could not even think which one is the real food. I am not going to drink this.
What do you think it is then?
You been checking?
What's to check? Its impossible to google the sequence of chemical ingredients and their amounts as wherever you get your info from its not on the internet in searchable format (as far as I can tell). It is possible to google a list of ingredients and amounts as they appear on labels, if they are products sold or listed on the internet. For example if you cut and paste the following into google: Beans (51%), Tomatoes (34%), Water, Sugar, Modified Cornflour, Spirit Vinegar, Salt, Spice Extracts, Herb Extract , you will hit the product straight away.
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