Family Favorite: Individual Pizzas


14 Apr 2014
Local time
2:39 AM
We are big on making our own pizzas. Recently we've been making our own individual pizzas, where everyone gets a choice on the toppings. The fun part of this is for the crust, we use flour tortilla shells. We've found the medium sized ones are perfect for individual pizzas, especially when you add a bit of cheese in between two shells. This makes somewhat of a stuffed crust, but so much better.

When we do pizza night, we always make sure to have hamburger, pepperoni, olive, mushroom, and sometimes green peppers (prefer when they are in season) and pineapple. For the sauce, we always use a combination of spices with tomato sauce and paste blend.

How do you make homemade pizza? Do you make your crust? What toppings do you add?
We also make pizzas regularly and make everything, including the crust and tomato base fresh. Homemade dough is so easy and takes less than an hour from start until in the oven. If you really want a good quality and tasty pizza, here are a few tips.
1) Limit your toppings (besides the cheese and tomato base) to 2 or 3, otherwise flavors overlap.
2) Get your oven as hot as it will go and bake quickly, ideally only 5 minutes until crispy.
3) When using an electric oven, preheat a pizza stone or alternatively use a terracotta tile and bake your pizza on this.
I make individual pizzas with a dough base of a size that that just fits nicely onto a plate. I use plenty of grated cheese and sliced tomato, with a variety of toppings arranged on top. These pizzas are always appreciated and I never enjoy any takeout pizza as much as one I've made myself.
We do this as well, and we usually just get frozen crusts from the grocery whenever we do. It's great for getting the kids involved as preparing the pizza isn't all that complicated. They just put tomato sauce and cheese then some toppings, and they feel really accomplished for doing it, so it has a lot of benefits not only as an activity, but also the pizzas are great to eat too, of course.
We rarely make our own dough from scratch. We usually buy fresh crusts from the grocery store. I use a four cheese blend with parmesan, mozzarella, provolone and emmental. I just use a jarred marina sauce that my family really likes. My other topping are usually just onion, red pepper and green olives. If I'm the only one eating I often add hot peppers or even roasted red pepper.
we had homemade pizza for sunday lunch today, made from scratch.... homemade dough, homemade herby cashew-nut cheese, onions, mushrooms, black olives, homemade caramelised red onion chutney, topped off with home grown rocket and olive oil (bought!) It didn't last long enough to get any photos. I will have to try hard next time! :D
Over the weekend, my friends tried out this new restaurant that allows you to basically go up to the pizza counter, and, canteen-style, specify which ingredients you wanted.

I'm excited to read this topic because I never thought that it could be something I could just whip up at home so easily. I thought there would need to be dough-tossing, or like the restaurant had this special dough-flattening technique...and I haven't heard good things about pre-made pizza crusts. Flour tortilla wraps sounds like they would do very nicely!

First things first: the red or white sauce. I'm guessing just a brush of tomato paste with tomato sauce will make a good red sauce base on the crust.
Then: The cheese. The type of cheese makes the pizza. I'm boorish, so I'm okay with quickmelt, but to really taste like pizza there should be mozzarella and maybe parmasan.
Finally: Other toppings. Deli meats, mushrooms, various other kinds of cheeses, and so on.

The restaurant also had sweet dessert pizzas (cinnamon and syrup, nutella and banana) but I haven't tried them. Perhaps a fruit pizza would work, on a different sort of crust with maybe a custard base...
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