Favorite Pizza Chain


14 Mar 2014
Local time
3:54 AM
This might not be a very popular choice, but I personally love Pizza Hut. I'm not even referring to their modern gimmicks of stuffing the crust with everything they can find in the kitchen, because when it comes to this pizza, the crust is actually what I like best about it - almost. The bread like texture that's kind of soaked in oil is just very tasty to me and I've never seen it duplicated anywhere else.

What's your favorite pizza chain?
It's always been any kind of pizza chain for me, provided they have 1.) pizza with stuffed crust (only what Pizza Hut offers nowadays), 2.) thin pizza, and most of all, 3.) pizza with no crust.

But when it comes to a pizza chain in itself, it's always been Calda's for me. As much as it's costly and all, the size of the quality of the pizza is actually more than worth the cost, haha.
Not that many pizza chains around here. And not really feeling like going to one anyway, I think I get a lot more bang for my buck if I get some premade ones from the supermarket or make it myself.

That being said, I do love pizza hut. But I don't think it's worth the price they ask, at least not on a regular basis.
Maybe I'm prejiduce(if that is the right word), but I used to work at Pizza Hut, and I love their pizza and breadsticks. My manager loved me, she and I were close, Mother daughter close, at the end of shift at closing time, she'd let me take home pizza and breadsticks from the warmer if the people never showed up to get the pizza. There were always extra breadsticks, the cooks would always put 10 orders in once an hour, then an order in everytime someone ordered. So miss it there, always bringing home food. Haha.
I am also a fan of Pizza Hut and DO think its worth the price. They are by far the cheapest around here at just $10 per pizza. They always deliver it fresh and hot and it always tastes great so you just can't beat that. I prefer my own homemade pizza but when I am craving pizza and don't want to cook, Pizza Hut is usually where we go. They got real familiar with us when I was pregnant considering I craved pizza. All. The. Time.
I am not a big fan of pizza chains, I find most of them make the pizza a little too greasy or with too much cheese. If I had to pick one I think I would go with Papa John's but I don't give it my number one vote. I prefer some of the smaller independently owned pizza shops in the city or making my own.
I am extremely biased. I worked at Papa Johns for almost 3 years as a teenager. I love their food. I love their pizza, their wings, and their toppings. I will eat pizza almost anywhere but Papa Johns will always be my number one.
I personally like Pizza Hut. Their cinnamon sticks are my favorite. I also like that they are always coming out with new variety of pizzas. My favorite pizza is cheese with extra pepperoni. The BBQ pizza is also delicious.
I also love Pizza Hut. Here in my country, they have a promo. You can get two large pizzas for only PHP 499 or about $10. I also love Yellow Cab - a local brand. They have New York's finest which has everything nice! It's also very big. :D
I am with you on this- I love pizza Hut. I am actually not a great lover of pizza. I hate the frozen variety and I am rubbish at making pizza dough. I do love pizza Hut though. I try to go when the buffet is one so that I can get a few different varieties of pizza, some pasta and a salad bowl. The kids love it too.
The only chains we have where I live are Round Table, Papa Murphy's and Domino's. I usually end up getting Round Table but it's so freaking expensive and not even that good. I miss the days of Pizza Hut :'(
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