Favorite Salad


8 Feb 2015
Local time
6:45 PM
Hi. Every special occasion in our house we always have a fruit salad as dessert.

I really like the blend of cocktail of fruits like pineapple, cherry, banana and apple especially if they are perfectly cold.

In your homes what is favorite salad recipe ?
We do not really have a favoirte salad, we have 3 bean salad at some of our meals, potatoe salad which you maybe able to say is one that we always have and a tossed salad with tomatoes.
That sounds very good, are some of them fresh or are they all jarred or canned? Do you add anything other than the fruits to the salad? You will have to post a recipe :)

I don't make a lot of fruit salads at home, probably because I am just happy my kids eat fruit plain so I don't have to go through much effort to figure out a way to make them eat it.

But I do make a pineapple salad when I'm up North for the summers, if I can remember it is:
fresh pineapple, sour cream, unsweetened shredded coconut, and I think I may add apples, or raisins, I can't quite remember! I suppose it is like a lazy version of ambrosia salad or something.
I do green salads more than I do fruit salad. I usually just eat my fruit as is without blending, but occasionally I do mix pieces of cut up fruit such as strawberries, pineapples, melon, etc. I am much more likely to put the fruit in the blender in the morning though and make a smoothie. It's nice to have fresh fruit after a meal, but I usually have it for breakfast or as a snack during the day.
I am a big fan of vegetable salads or just about any kind. I really enjoy my broccoli salad but believe me a nice big tossed salad with lots of veggies is great too. I call that my cleaning out the fridge salad and I never make it the same twice, it depends what I have in the veggie keeper. As for fruit salad, I don't mind it but rarely make it for some reason.
I love my green salads and anything packed with vegetables more than fruit salads as well but can squeeze in a fruit salad or two every so often!
I recently had a surprise visit from an old friend and had absolutely nothing prepared to feed her but thank goodness for improvisation and fruits I managed to tussle up a quick fruit salad. I basically threw together an apples, peaches, grapes and frozen yogurt salad! It turned out great, so having fruits and vegetable in the fridge at all times really comes in handy!
Smoked trout ,grapefruit segments and toasted hazelnuts with rocket if I want a light starter
A light main salad nicoise with egg fine beans tomato and olives diced new potato
For a fruity salad desert make up a sugar syrup with whole star anise cool and mix with diced ripe mango an pine apple served with a fruit sorbet
If you are living in a tropical country this fresh fruit cocktail salad as a dessert is really very refreshing especially when it is serve cold. And if you will add a mixture of whipping cream and some sweetness on it the more it will taste delicious!
I like different types of green salads. Greek salad is lovely, and one of my favorites are just a normal green salad with watermelon!
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