Favorite Wine and Dinner Pairing?


29 Jul 2015
Local time
12:17 AM
After spending hours cooking up a nice homemade meal, I personally enjoy a nice glass of wine with my dish. It helps me relax and enjoy the meal to its fullest. Obviously, depending on the meal, red or white wine could be well suited.

I would like to know what are some of your favorite pairings?

For me, I've listed below two of my favorite dishes and my preferred wine pairing to go along.

Dish: Basque Chicken in tomato sauce (with potatoes, peppers, and onions)
Wine: Cote du Rhone Red Wine (Ventoux)

Dish: Monkfish roasted with lemon sauce. Served with rice and green beans.
Wine: White Bourgogne Wine (Pouilly-Fuisse)
Gosh, there are so many wines available to choose from that this is a difficult question. There isn't really just one wine which would be my favourite pairing with a dish. With oysters, its a close call between champagne and Guinness. Another favourite of mine is lobster with Gewürztraminer. But mostly I'll drink whatever is at hand!
I really like to have a big fat steak with a glass of Merlot. That is my favorite pairing because Merlot is my favorite wine and I love steak. Asparagus on the side please!
Difficult. Because I do not have a favourite dish. I like many foods and I like many wines. Give me a dish and I'm happy to choose a wine for it.

Your Basque Chicken dish sounds tasty. Almost any red would work with this but nothing too expensive. Tomatoes in a dish such as this kill wine flavours. Your Côtes du Ventoux option is good. So would something like a modern Madiran. Or something from Calatayud. Or a grenache based blend from australia.

Your bourgogne choice with the monkfish is excellent, the best you could afford! Other alternatives could be good are Albariños from Spain, quality Vinho Verdes from Portugal, and something a little off the beaten track, a Sauvignon Gris from New Zealand.
I'm really quite traditional when it comes to these things so my favorite pairing is a medium well steak with some good gravy, mashed potatoes and sweet red wine. If I could have a candle light dinner everyday I would. I also like some sweet white or pink wine with my roasted rosemary chicken.
We are not fancy eaters. In fact, we normally eat only one dish and rice at home. However, there are times, particularly in occasions like Christmas, that we prepare special food. For a wine dinner, it is red wine and steak - porterhouse or t-bone. Of course, the steak comes with garnishings like boiled button potato, cucumber and lettuce salad, young corn and some other green vegetables for steaming. It has been our for steak and red wine during special occasions.
I'm honestly clueless when it comes to wine and food pairings. I love cooking, and I quite enjoy wine -- it's just that I don't really know where to start when it comes to putting them together for the best taste...

I've actually thought about perhaps taking a course or something to learn more about it. It would be nice when entertaining guests to know more about what works well together.
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