Recipe Finnish Meatballs


16 Mar 2015
Local time
11:50 AM
Meatballs are made a bit differently here in Finland, and are served as everyday meal but also at parties. Here's a recipe, give it a shot and let me know what you think!

1,5 dl/5 oz of Milk
1 dl/0,4 cups of Breadcrumbs
1 onion
1 Egg
400 g of meat
some salt and pepper
(1 clove of garlic)

1. Mix the milk and the breadcrumbs and let them stand for 10 minutes.
2. Cut the onion, and if you want you can sweat it on a pan for a while.
3. Mix the onion, meat, egg and salt & pepper with the milk and breadcrumbs until they are a solid mass.
4. Dip your hands in water and shape the mass into balls.
5. Cook the meatballs in 200 C for 20 minutes, or fry them in a pan until they are cooked.
6. Enjoy the meatballs alone or with some mashed potatoes and grated carrots!
Sounds good. How do they compare with Swedish meatballs? (which we all know from IKEA).
This sounds really good! We love meatballs of any kind, so I will definitely have to give this a try. Do you use any kind of gravy when you serve them or are they served as is?
Sounds good. How do they compare with Swedish meatballs? (which we all know from IKEA).

Oh yes, IKEA meatballs! I often do meatballs and sometimes use the method of soaking bread or breadcrumbs in milk (didn't know this was a Finnish method). I normally add a bit more seasoning (herbs or garlic) otherwise, the recipe is the same. I usually serve them with a tomato sauce. Think I got the recipe from 'Poor Cook' (1970's British Cookbook) where this method was titled 'Greek Meatballs'.
This sounds interesting! I love eating and making meatballs. I enjoy trying new recipes and will add this one to my collection. I like the idea of adding bread crumbs to meals, I think it adds texture and helps hold the meatballs together. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. I am thinking about this with mashed potatoes and green beans. Yummy!
This sounds interesting! I love eating and making meatballs. I enjoy trying new recipes and will add this one to my collection. I like the idea of adding bread crumbs to meals, I think it adds texture and helps hold the meatballs together. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. I am thinking about this with mashed potatoes and green beans. Yummy!
Yes, the breadcrumbs do help hold the meatballs together. They also help extend the meat to make more meatballs for your money! You need to add lots of herbs and/or spices though, otherwise they could be a bit bland.
Meatballs are made a bit differently here in Finland, and are served as everyday meal but also at parties. Here's a recipe, give it a shot and let me know what you think!

1,5 dl/5 oz of Milk
1 dl/0,4 cups of Breadcrumbs
1 onion
1 Egg
400 g of meat
some salt and pepper
(1 clove of garlic)

1. Mix the milk and the breadcrumbs and let them stand for 10 minutes.
2. Cut the onion, and if you want you can sweat it on a pan for a while.
3. Mix the onion, meat, egg and salt & pepper with the milk and breadcrumbs until they are a solid mass.
4. Dip your hands in water and shape the mass into balls.
5. Cook the meatballs in 200 C for 20 minutes, or fry them in a pan until they are cooked.
6. Enjoy the meatballs alone or with some mashed potatoes and grated carrots!

they don't actually look that different than meatballs we know in the states except for the milk. I think that Swedish meatballs are similar to this. It is one of the options that we might be looking for. I think that the additon of the milk would make the meatballs very soft.
This recipe is quite similar to my Nonnas famous Italian meatball recipe but she used a lot of Italian herbs in hers. Whenever I make them people ask how they are so moist and flavorful and I'm convinced the breadcrumbs make a big difference in taste and texture.
This recipe is quite similar to my Nonnas famous Italian meatball recipe but she used a lot of Italian herbs in hers. Whenever I make them people ask how they are so moist and flavorful and I'm convinced the breadcrumbs make a big difference in taste and texture.
Wow, what a coincidence - I was about to post the same thing, how this recipe is similar to my own Nonna's Italian meatball recipe :D And of course, the choice of herbs give it the Italian touch.

When I visited Finland a few years ago I had reindeer meatballs and they were fantastic! (Along with everything else I ate there). Thanks for sharing your recipe SquiffyBubble! Do you have any special recipes for Karjalanpiirakka? I use a recipe from a Finnish Cook Book but not sure how authentic it is :)
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