Recipe Flapjacks

15 May 2014
Local time
5:56 AM
Here is the recipe for flapjacks

175g/6oz butter
175g/60z golden syrup
175g/6oz muscavado sugar or demerara sugar
350g/12 oz porridge oats
ground ginger to taste.

pre heat oven to 150c/300f/gaz mRk 2. Line a 20cm/8in square baking tin with grease proof paper.

melt, butter, golden syrup, and sugar over a low heat.

remove from the heat and add to the oats and ground ginger.

place the mixture in the tin and squash down.

Bake in the oven for 40 mins.

leave to cool for 15 minutes, then you can cut into squares. Keep in an air tight container.


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I like these cake/biscuit recipes where you can mix it all in one. So quick to do. Great idea to add cranberries. Perhaps chopped dates would be good as well (not in addition).
That is just the basic recipe. After mixing these ingredients you can add anythjng you want. Fruit, nuts, whatever. And of course you can always melt some chocolate and pour over the top, then leave to cool.
I love flapjacks and usually add some cinammon into the mixture. I love that they are so easy to eat and make a good snack.
We love pancakes or flapjacks at my house. I like to add oatmeal to the batter occasionally. My grandson loves additions to his pancakes to include any kind of nuts or dried fruit, any kind of seeds and on occasion, chocolate chips.I make sour dough pancakes from a starter that I have that is over 100 yrs old. I got my start from my ex mother in law who got her start from her mother, who got hers from her mother. So it has been in the family a very long time. We love the tart/sour taste it gives the pancakes, plus it makes a thinner batter and as a result, a thinner pancake.
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