Food Allergies


13 Nov 2013
Local time
9:55 PM
What are some things you are allergic to causing you to not be able to eat certain foods.
Are there meals that you wish you could try but can't due to a food allergy?
Personally I don't have any food allergies. I'm allergic to sheep wool, but I don't have any allergic reaction if I eat lamb, as in example.
I'm allergic to cow's diary - all of it (butter, milk, cream, cheese, yoghurt etc) and intolerant to all other forms of dairy (sheeps/goats/buffalo - think mozerella etc) - allergic as in anaphylactic shock, rather than just an intolerance (such as problems with my asthma at night). To make matters more fun, I also can't have a number of other products such as strongly acidic fruit (pineapple being one of the worst offenders for me), vinegar, pickles, any fruit juices, any squash style drinks, any fizzy drinks etc, due to something called a chronic geographic tongue - I won't post any pictures, but basically if you bit your tongue enough to make it bleed, then had some neat lemon juice, that is what it is like for me all the time.

I've never missed things such as coke or pepsi, never being able to have had them in the first place. But the dairy allergy started about 15 years ago, so things like chocolate, cakes, butter, yoghurt, cheese etc I do miss because I know what they taste like. Things have improved considerably in the last few years and there is some really decent (vegan) chocolate around now, and I even have a recipe that replaces butter with something that resembles butter. Milks are easy to replace now, my preference being for oat milk which I will happily drink cold, soya yoghurts are coming on considerably now with many new flavours having been launched in the UK in the last 12 months, but I do miss not being able to eat out. Even a jam sandwich can be a huge risk for me: bread frequenly contains skimmed milk powder, margarine frequently contains buttermilk to make it taste creamier and even jam (yes jam) can contain butter which is used to prevent foaming - though this is more of a problem with homemade jams that shop purchased ones.
I actually don't have any allergic reactions to any foods, well none that I know of. I know one person that's allergic to kiwis, peanuts, sea foods and a whole bunch of other foods, her list goes on, it's pretty saddening. Another one of my friends is allergic to mangoes and I make fun of her all the time about it because I eat it all the time!
I have a few food allergies, the most serious being an allergy to nuts. While it's not life threatening (like some people's conditions that I know of), I can end up in hospital if I eat macadamia nuts, whereas with peanuts I'll just feel as if my insides are convulsing and have a bung eye and botox looking lips. I've never thought if I weren't allergic that I'd like to try a recipe with nuts in it as the thought of nuts makes me recall all the bad experiences I've had, that I can't even imagine someone enjoying the taste. I know it's a little silly.
People react differently to the foods they eat and some have food allergies and some have not. I had a friend of mine who had allergy to seafood like shrimp and oyster. One time when me and all our friends are having a gathering and seafood are served after she ate shrimp and oyster some skin red rushes appeared on her neck and all of a sudden her eyes swell and she cannot breath. She said that is what is happening to her during an allergy attack. But her doctor said she can eat her allergic food and not to totally avoid it so that her body will be immune to the food. When I witnessed that to her I am surprised. I am lucky that I do not have allergies to any kind of foods or whatever source to get an allergy.

Thankfully, I am blessed and don't have an allergy to anything. However, there are certain food items which I feel I would have tried if it was cooked differently. For example, if sushi was not given raw and at least stir fried a bit, I would have loved to try... But sushi on its own is something I can't think of eating. Of course, I know I would have upset many sushi fans. Sorry about that... :(
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